Fashion through the Decades

Since we are talking about paradigm shifts in class, I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about the different paradigm shifts of fashion in the United States throughout the decades.

Let’s start way back when with the 1900’s. Our Great-grandparents or even great-great grandparents wore a variety stylish trends. The fashion trends back then consisted of skirts with trains, feathered hats, and narrowed shoes.

During the 1910’s I started to notice that some of the styles and trends of this time period are still reflected today in the fashion world. Lace up boots, sneakers worn for sports, and trench coats were worn.

Flapper dresses with costume jewelry started to emerge and become popular during the 1920s. For any of you who have seen the Great Gatsby movie, just think of the glamorous fashion there!


During the depression of the 1930s, patterned sweaters, one-piece bathing suits, and rectangular wristwatches were sported.

In the 1940s, rolled up blue jeans and baggy pull-on sweaters (sound familiar?) were worn. Hawaiian shirts for men were also said to have been popular which I found quite interesting,

In the 1950’s, a time portrayed in the movie Grease, exhibited white t-shirts with motorcycle jackets (just like the Danny Zuco and the T-Birds!) and poodle skirts with high ponytails for the girls –similar to the Pink Ladies.


The 1960s were all about peace! The stereotypical bell-bottoms, long hair, peace signs, miniskirts and t-shirts with messages were ever so popular.

The 1970s consisted of pantsuits, afros and lots of denim!

The 1980s had a lot of different style trends. Some included tunics of leggings, bangle bracelets and penny loafers.

The 1990s (the decade in which we were born, but I don’t any out us chose what clothes we wore that day haha) included designer sneakers, chain wallets, baggy pants, and hooded sweatshirts.

And finally we arrived at the 2000s! A decade where skinny jeans, graphic tees, and blazers took over the fashion world.

While researching the different fashion trends throughout the decades, I found it interesting that some of the statement pieces in specific decades are coming back into style currently today. They say history repeats itself, I guess fashion trends do too.

Some of my sources:

3 thoughts on “Fashion through the Decades

  1. This is so interesting! It is so cool to see how things cycle back around and old trends become the new trends once again. Fashion is always so interesting to me because I never understand who makes these trends, and how they just randomly occur. Fashion magazines must have an incredibly difficult job – trying to stay ahead of trends and figure them out before they happen. It’ll be neat to see what trend, and what decade, replays itself next!

  2. Wow! I didn’t think the whole baggy sweater thing had already happened, but I guess it was bound to come back! Trends in society seem to be so very cyclical and it’s so interesting to watch old trends come back into style. I’m really interested in what’s going to happen in the future though! Maybe greaser style will come back? Who knows!

  3. Wow that is really cool!
    Of course I have seen those classic movies you mentioned above but I have never looked at how fashion changes over the years. I thought it is most interesting how you stated that many old trends are coming back into style. That seems to be the way with anything, not just clothing. I mean think about how music cycles around every couple decades! Anyway thanks for informing me!

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