Most people in the world eat and use animal products on a daily basis without giving it a second thought. But is this moral?
Applying the moral sphere to this topic, it can be said that eating animals is a conscious act because people choose to do so, and it does affect well-being because the animals are harmed in the process. This would result in the consumption of animals products being considered immoral.
However, in all the previous blog posts, we only ever considered the well-being of humans. Can the moral sphere and thus morality be implemented in the same way towards animals?
To me, I see animals as equals and value their lives just as much as humans. In the same way as humans, animals are conscious beings with a will to survive. They feel pain and avoid it when they can. They experience joy and sadness and are vastly more intelligent than we give them credit for. Because of this, I do not think it is right of us to exploit animals just because we are more powerful.
Since eating animals is not a necessity for humans to survive, I do not think it is moral for us to do so. What right do we have over animals to continue eating them at the expense of their well-being? A counterargument to this might be that human well-being is improved by eating animals, but this is entirely false. Studies have proven that eating meat and other animal products leads to an increased risk of many diseases and health complications. Meanwhile, people who stick to a plant-based diet are much healthier and tend to live longer. So it is actually in the best interest of the well-being of people and animals to stop consuming animal products.
One response to this may be something along the lines of: well, eating meat is wrong because it kills the animals, but just consuming their other products such as milk or eggs is okay because they are not killed in the process, and thus their well-being is not negatively impacted. However, once again, this is not true. For a cow to produce milk, she has to have a baby. However, because the milk industry wants all the milk to go to the market, they separate the mother and baby cow within 24 hours of birth. If this isn’t bad enough, since male calves are useless to the dairy industry and cost too much to feed and raise to be used in the meat industry, most are killed and discarded. The same goes for chickens. Only hens lay eggs, and since male chicks born in the egg industry are not genetically modified to have large breasts, they are useless to the meat and egg industry and are killed within hours of birth.
As large corporations have taken over the production of our food, we have become detached from what we are truly consuming. That bacon, scrambled eggs, and glass of milk you had for breakfast was not just food. It was once living animals that had a right to life that was unjustly taken away. Because of the inhumanity of the animal food industry and the suffering it causes, I do not believe that consuming animals products is moral.