Reverse Logistics Analysis of Carbon Emissions In the Supply Chain

By Amanda Lauren Rizzotti, supervised by Robert A. Novack📧 (Thesis Supervisor) and John C. Spychalski📧 (Honors Advisor) (2018)

The purpose of this thesis is to quantify emissions that result from business activities. This is done through the creation of a comprehensive and custom carbon emissions model. Electronic Waste is a large contributor to global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. Companies are becoming more aware of the issue of e-waste, and many have implemented takeback programs and closed-loop supply chains in addition to tracking their carbon emissions. By partnering with a large telecommunications company, this paper works to explore a current closed-loop supply chain and develop a tool to quantify emissions associated with their efforts. It will discuss background information on global warming, electronic waste, and carbon emission tracking. In addition, it will explain the process required to develop an effective model, and discuss the results, limitations, next steps and assumptions utilized. The model is user-friendly, comprehensive and has been given to Company A for implementation and further development.

Access the paper at Electronic Theses for Schreyer Honors College (ETDA) website here.