Total Landed Cost Model for a Pharmaceutical Retail Company

By Laura Peterson, supervised by Robert A. Novack📧 (Thesis Supervisor) and John C. Spychalski📧 (Honors Advisor) (2017)

Total cost models are particularly useful in supply chains, although many companies lack the ability or resources to establish a working model. With increasingly global supply chains, more available data, and a focus on decreasing supply chain cost to increase profit margin, it is becoming more and more critical for companies to implement total cost models into their daily business functions. This thesis will delve into total landed cost research to establish the most effective ways of measuring total cost, thereby providing Company A with a framework to measure supply chain success. Ultimately, this thesis develops a total landed cost model that demonstrates where costs are incurred throughout two products’ life cycles. Based on company interviews, established data sources, and literature reviews, this thesis will identify new ways to look at total landed cost in order to pinpoint areas for improvement along Company A’s supply chain.

Access the paper at Electronic Theses for Schreyer Honors College (ETDA) website here.