Category Archives: 1st Post 2019

Analysis of Platinum’s Lattice Structure in Respect to Minimal Energy

By Charles Bigelow


Platinum’s optimal lattice parameters were analytically derived using Density-Functional Theory (DFT) methods. The Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package (CASTEP) software package, which uses planewave basis sets in order to analyze crystal structures, was implemented to analyze the SC, HCP, and FCC lattices of platinum to determine the optimal parameters. Platinum’s optimal structure was calculated to be the FCC Lattice at a volume of 63.619 cubic Angstroms. Simple Cubic was found to be the least optimal structure of the three lattices constructed and optimized.


As with all metals, platinum has a preferred lattice structure under Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP); however one must determine which structure is preferred over other possible structures. Instead of more traditional experimental methods to determine Platinum’s lattice constants, Density-Functional-Theory can be utilized in order to determine the optimal parameters. This enables chemists to perform analysese normally not readily accessible to the experimentalist due to the flexibility of the calculations. Using this flexibility, one can analyze several types of crystal structures which would normally not be present under normal circumstances, allowing predictions and further in-depth probing of lattice systems. This opens up the possibility to predict structures of substances with unknown crystal structures, or to predict if a certain crystal is not at an energetically favorable composition.


All calculations were run with the MaterialsStudio software package, using the CASTEP package to analyze FCC, HCP, and SC crystal structures. The On-The-Fly-Generation (OTFG) ultrasoft pseudo-potential was used in the calculations, in which allows the lowest cutoff energy for the given basis set to reduce computational cost. The platinum configuration used in this pseudo-potential was with a Bohr radii of 1.5, an electron configuration of 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d9 6s1 with 32 electrons, and 20 different energy bands.

A k-point set was chosen using a 3x3x2 grid for SC and HCP (18 k-points), while a 4x4x3 grid was used for FCC (60 k-points), both of which achieved reasonable convergence onto the calculations while minimizing cost.


The energy cutoff was optimized at 320eV. This parameter affects the smearing of the wave-function to minimize fluctuations in energy calculations, however also increasing computational cost; 320eV was found to have  the lowest reasonable convergence and efficiency.

The calculations implemented the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof functional.

The analysis of the Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP) crystal structure consisted of determining both the optimal crystal volume as well as the optimal “c” to “a” vector ratio. For the volume, the optimization was done using a 1.6:1 a to c ratio, and four separate volume’s; 44, 40, 34, and 28 cubic Angstroms (A^3). Of these, 40, 34, and 28 were used to determine the polynomial equation for the energy with respect to volume.

The minimum of the polynomial was determined by setting its derivative to zero and evaluating for x; the optimum lattice volume was determined as 32.284 cubic Angstroms.

Further observation was done with varying the c/a ratio along with volume to observe the general trend of the preferred configuration; it was discovered that at smaller volumes, a 1.6:1 ratio is preferred, while at the optimal volume and above, the lower ratios were dominant.

The c/a ratio was then analyzed using the optimized volume of 32.284 cubic Angstroms.

It was discovered that at this lattice volume, the preferred ratio was determined by the derivative of the polynomial evaluated to zero. It was found to be 1.34368:1 and the corresponding energy was determined to be -26101.61 eV.


A Simple Cubic (SC) Lattice was generated from Platinum to observe its preferred lattice volume; this was done in a similar manner as HCP.

The optimal volume was determined to be 19.7596 cubic Angstroms by evaluating its polynomial at zero. The energy corresponding to this volume was -13049.77 eV.


A Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) crystal lattice of platinum was analyzed to determine its optimum volume in the same manner as the HCP and the SC systems, as well as evaluation of its polynomial at zero. the three points closest to the lowest value were used to generate the polynomial.


The optimal volume was determined to be 63.61879 cubic Angstroms. At this volume, the FCC structure of Platinum has an energy of -52203.63 eV.


Comparison of the three different configurations indicates that the FCC lattice structure is optimal for platinum, while also giving the largest optimized volume of the three analyzed. It has markedly higher stability than does the SC or the HCP configurations.


With the data provided, it is hypothesized that if pressure were to increase, HCP and SC would become the more stable configurations to the crystal structure of platinum.

DFT energy calculation for sc, fcc, and hcp Pt crystals to predict the optimal crystal structure and lattice parameter

Author : Junseok Kim


Project Description

The main goal of this project is to predict the energetically preferred crystal structure and corresponding lattice parameter of Platinum (Pt) using Density functional theory (DFT). DFT is a powerful tool to calculate energy of crystal structures of metals [1]. The metal crystal can usually have a form of simple cubic (sc), face centered cubic (fcc) and hexagonal close-packed (hcp) crystal structures. For these three crystal structures, we have found the optimal lattice parameter that makes the crystal structure have minimum energy and determined the most favorable crystal structure of Pt comparing cohesive energy.



For the DFT energy calculation, we use material studio with CASTEP calculation package, which is based on a plane wave basis set [2]. With CASTEP, we use the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) – Perdew Burke Ernzerhof (PBE) as an exchange-correlation functional [3]. we also employ On-the-fly generated (OTFG) ultrasoft pseudopotential for Pt to describe the interactions of ionic core and valance electrons, which is set to have a core radius of 2.403  Bohr (~1.27 Å) and use 32 valance electrons with 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d9 6s1 as the electronic configuration [4].

The optimal value of cutoff energy for the plane wave set is determined to converge the total energy before the lattice parameter optimization. Varying the cutoff energy from 300 to 700 eV, we compute the total energy of each Pt crystal structure. And then, we determine the optimal cutoff energy when the difference of energy compared to the value obtained from the highest cutoff energy is less than 0.01 eV.

We also optimize kpoints for the plane wave set to ensure the convergence of the energy. For sc and fcc Pt crystal structures, we use M x M x M of kpoints mesh since sc and fcc crystal structures have the same lattice constant for all three dimensions. For hcp Pt crystal structure, we use M x M x N (M and N are different) of kpoints mesh because the hcp crystal structure has two different lattice constants (a and c). The optimal value of kpoints is obtained when the total energy difference with regard to the result of highest kpoints is not more than 0.02 eV. All kpoints used for this project is the irreducible kpoints.

The optimal lattice parameter (a0) makes the crystal structure of Pt the most stable, meaning that the Pt crystal has the lowest cohesive energy. The optimization of lattice parameter for sc and fcc Pt crystal structure is done, by fitting the cohesive energy obtained from varying the lattice parameters (a) to the Birch–Murnaghan (BM) equation of state and finding the lowest cohesive energy value [5]. For hcp Pt crystal structure, we vary the ratio of a and c to calculate the cohesive energy and fit the data to BM equation. The cohesive energy is calculated by subtracting the pseudo atomic energy from the total energy and dividing it by the number of atoms in a unit cell.



 1) Cutoff energy

Figure 1. Selection of the lattice parameter of sc Pt crystal structure for optimizing the cutoff energy (Points – the total energy with the corresponding lattice parameter, Line – the BM equation)

For optimization of cutoff energy, we choose simple cubic Pt crystal. Then, the lattice parameter is selected by fitting the total energy with the corresponding lattice parameter (Points) to the BM equation (Line) as shown in Figure 1. When a = 2.685 Å, the system have energetically the most stable state and thus we use this lattice parameter for this optimization. The DFT calculation here is done with 14 kpoints (3 x 3 x 3 k mesh) and 300 eV cutoff energy, which are randomly selected.


Figure  2. Total energy convergence of sc Pt crystal structure with increasing cutoff energy

Figure 2 shows total energy convergence as increasing the cutoff energy from 300 to 700 eV with the selected lattice parameter and the fixed 14 kpoints (3 x 3 x 3 k mesh). Comparing the result of 700 eV cutoff energy, the total energy does not change more than 0.01 eV/atom over 450 eV cutoff energy. Thus, 450 eV cutoff energy is chosen as the optimal value for the efficient calculation and the energy convergence. In addition, the atomic energy of Pt to calculate the cohesive energy is also fixed as -13042.302 eV/atom for the 450 eV cutoff energy.

 2) Kpoints

Figure  3. Total energy convergence of sc Pt crystal structure with increasing kpoints.

Figure 3 presents the total energy convergence depending on kpoints with a fixed cutoff energy (300 eV). For sc Pt crystal structure, the change of the total energy is less than 0.02 eV/atom with respect to the result of 4096 kpoints (16 x 16 x 16 k mesh) over 356 kpoints (9 x 9 x 9 k mesh). We also repeat this process for fcc and hcp Pt crystal structures to obtain the optimal values of kpoints.

Table  1. The optimal kpoints for sc, fcc and hcp Pt crystal structures

The optimal values of kpoints for each Pt crystal structure are shown in Table 1. Especially for hcp crystal structure, we use c/a = 1.6. It is confirmed that the kpoints needed to converge the total energy within less than 0.02 eV are 110 (10 x 10 x 10 k mesh) for fcc and 76 (12 x 12 x 8 k mesh) for hcp Pt crystal structure, respectively.

 3) Lattice parameter and cohesive energy for sc, fcc and hcp Pt crystal structures.

Figure  4. Cohesive energy as a function of lattice parameter for sc Pt crystal structure. (Points – the cohesive energy with the corresponding lattice parameter, Line – the BM equation)

The cohesive energy is obtained by subtracting the atomic energy (-13042.302 eV/atom) from the total energy. We fit the cohesive energy to the BM equation to get the optimal lattice parameter (a0) that makes the crystal structure have the minimum cohesive energy. Figure 4 shows that the cohesive energy plot (Points) of sc Pt crystal structure from 2 to 4 Å of lattice parameter, fitting the plot to the BM equation (Line). The result indicates that the plot has the minimum value at a0 = 2.619 Å, which is different with the value (a = 2.685 Å) obtained from the total energy vs lattice parameter plot in Figure 1. And, we re-calculate the corresponding cohesive energy at a0 using CASTEP and obtain -8.196 eV/atom of the cohesive energy for sc Pt crystal structure. Similarly, we repeat this process for fcc and hcp Pt crystal structure.

Table 2. Cohesive energy for hcp Pt crystal structure with the different value of c/a.

In particular, for hcp Pt crystal, we vary the value of c/a from 1.55 to 1.9, find a0 from the plot of the cohesive energy and calculate the cohesive energy for a0 of each c/a case (Table 2). The result shows that hcp Pt crystal structure has the minimum cohesive energy when c/a = 1.7 and a0 = 2.796 Å since having the minimum energy means that the structure can be the most stabilized.

Table 3. Comparison of cohesive energy for sc, fcc and hcp Pt crystal structure with corresponding lattice parameter.

Finally, we compare the cohesive energy for sc, fcc and hcp structure to predict the preferred crystal structure of Pt (Table 3). The result shows that fcc Pt crystal structure has the lowest value (-8.665 eV/atom) for the cohesive energy with a0 = 3.96 , while that of sc Pt crystal structure is the highest value (-8.196 eV/atom). This means that fcc is the most preferred crystal structure for Pt. In addition, hcp crystal Pt structure has a higher value(-8.604 eV/atom) of the cohesive energy that is comparable to that of fcc Pt crystal structure, meaning that hcp crystal structure is also the energetically favorable structure for Pt.



From the total energy convergence, we obtain the optimal value of cutoff energy (450 eV) and kpoints for the DFT calculations. we also determine the optimal lattice parameter (a0) where each sc, fcc and hcp structures can have a minimum energy and be most stabilized. Finally comparing the cohesive energy with corresponding a0, we can finally predict that Pt is the most likely to choose fcc crystal structure with a0 = 3.96 Å. This prediction is also reasonable with respect to the experimentally observed result, which indicates that Pt would select fcc crystal structure with a0 = 3.91 Å [6].


[1] R.G. Parr, W. Yang, Y. Weitao (1994), “Density-Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules”, Oxford University Press.

[2] “First principles methods using CASTEP”, Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 220(5-6) pp. 567-570 (2005) S. J. Clark, M. D. Segall, C. J. Pickard, P. J. Hasnip, M. J. Probert, K. Refson, M. C. Payne

[3] Perdew, J. P; Burke, K; Ernzerhof, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1996, 77, 3865-3868


[5] Birch, Francis (1947). “Finite Elastic Strain of Cubic Crystals”. Physical Review. 71 (11): 809–824.

[6] ”Precision Measurement of the Lattice Constants of Twelve Common Metals” Davey, Wheeler, Physical Review. 25 753-761 (1925)

By Stephen Holoviak.

This post will overview an attempt to predict the structure of platinum crystals. Calculations were made of the energy of Pt crystals in three different crystal structures: simple cubic (sc), face-centered cubic (fcc), and hexagonal close-packed (hcp). The lattice parameters of the crystals were varied and the number estimate 0[K] energy was calculated using the CASTEP[1] implementation in Materials Studio.


Functional: GGA-PBE[2]

Pseudopotential: OTFG ultrasoft

  • Core Radius: 2.4[Bhor] ~=1.27[Å]
  • 32 electrons in valance with (4f14 5s2 5p6 5d9 6s1) configuration.

Cutoff Energy: 350[eV]

# k-points: 8x8x8

Testing for Convergence:

Cutoff Energy:

To ensure the calculations were well converged, tests were run on the experimentally observed fcc structure. The default Pt structure was loaded into materials studio with an fcc structure and a lattice parameter of 3.9239[Å]. First, the cutoff energy was varied using the default 6x6x6 set of k-points.

The calculations were found to be well converged, with crystal energies within 0.05[eV] of each other, at cutoff energy of 350[eV] or higher. The number of k points being used in the calculation was then evaluated for convergence, using the 350[eV] cutoff energy and varying the number of k-points being used.

# of k-points:

The calculations were found to be well converged, within 0.05[eV] of calculated crystal energy of each other, for a minimum of 8x8x8 k-points.

Structure Calculations:

Simple Cubic:

In order to determine the lattice constant for the simple cubic structure, the energies of several initial estimates were found. The data from these estimates were then fitted to a 2nd-degree polynomial and the minimum value was found. Several more lattice parameters were tested on and around this minimum. These energies were then fitted to another 2nd-degree polynomial and another minimum was calculated. The energy of the structure was then calculated at this minimum. Since the energy differences between calculations after two iterations are well below the energy difference used to determine convergence the iterations were stopped here.

The minimum energy lattice parameter was found to be at a = 2.62[Å] with an energy of -13050.541[eV]. 

Face Centered Cubic:

Determining the lattice constant for the face-centered cubic crystal was very similar to finding the sc lattice constant. The energies of several initial estimates were found. The data from these estimates were then fitted to a 2nd order polynomial and the minimum value was found. Several more lattice parameters were tested on and around this minimum. These energies were then fitted to another 2nd-degree polynomial and another minimum was calculated. The energy of the structure was then calculated at this minimum. Since the energy differences between calculations after two iterations are well below the energy difference used to determine convergence the iterations were stopped here.

The minimum energy lattice parameter was found to be at a = 3.97[Å] with an energy of -13050.940[eV].

Hexagonal Close-Packed:

Determining the lattice constant for the hexagonal close-packed crystal had several key differences. The hcp crystal has two lattice constants that must be specified, a and c. The best packing to fill space is a ratio of c/a = 1.633[3], this ratio was fixed in the calculations and all changes were made in terms of the lattice parameter a. Also, the different lengths of the lattice constants mean that the number of k-points must be adjusted to keep a similar sampling density in k-space, for the hcp calculations the number of k-points was adjusted to 8x8x5. Another important adjustment is the fact that the primitive hcp unit cell has two atoms in it, where the sc and fcc cells were primitive, so the calculated 0[k] energies must be normalized per atom in order to compare them to the previous calculations. After these changes were made, the energies of several initial estimates were found. The data from these estimates were then fitted to a 2nd order polynomial and the minimum value was found. Several more lattice parameters were tested on and around this minimum. These energies were then fitted to another 3rd degree polynomial and another minimum was calculated. The energy of the structure was then calculated at this minimum. Since the energy differences between calculations after two iterations are well below the energy difference used to determine convergence the iterations were stopped here.

The minimum energy lattice parameters were found to be a = 2.81[Å], c = 4.59[Å], with an energy of -13050.87[eV]


The lowest energy phase of platinum crystals was calculated to be the fcc crystal structure with a lattice constant of 3.97[Å] a summary of all of the calculated results can be seen in the table below.

Structure:Lattice Constant[Å]:Calculated 0[K] Energy[eV]:
Experimental (fcc)3.92N/A
Simple Cubic2.62-13050.54
Face Centered Cubic3.97-13050.94
Hexagonal Close-Packeda = 2.18
c = 4.59

The experimentally determined structure for platinum is the fcc crystal structure with a lattice constant of 3.92[Å][4], which is slightly smaller than the lattice constant calculated.



1.) “First principles methods using CASTEP”, Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 220(5-6) pp. 567-570 (2005) S. J. Clark, M. D. Segall, C. J. Pickard, P. J. Hasnip, M. J. Probert, K. Refson, M. C. Payne

2.) “Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple.”, Perdew, J. P., Burke, K. & Ernzerhof, M. 3865–3868 (1996).

3.)”Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction” D. Sholl and J. Steckel, (Wiley 2009)

4.) “Materials Science and Engineering”,  Callister, (Wiley 1994)

Geometry Optimization of ScAl in CsCl and NaCl Structures

By Jordan Barr


Two common crystal structures of materials with the formula AB are the cesium chloride (CsCl) structure and the rock salt (NaCl) structure. In the CsCl structure, the Cs atoms are in the simple cubic structure and the Cl atoms are in the middle of the Cs atoms cubic structure. In the rock salt structure, the two atom types form two interpenetrating face-centered cubic (fcc) lattices. In this study, ScAl is tested in both the CsCl and NaCl structures to predict the lattice constant of ScAl in these two forms and it is shown that ScAl prefers the CsCl structure over the rock salt structure.

Computational Details

The density functional theory (DFT) calculations were conducted using the plane-wave pseudopotential method as implemented in CASTEP [1]. Convergence testing gave total energies converged to 5 meV/atom using a cutoff energy of 600.0 eV and k-point mesh of 10x10x10. The PBE-GGA functional [2] was used in all calculations and the SCF tolerance was set to 2.0e-6 eV/atom. The aluminum pseudopotential consisted of 3 valence electrons and a cutoff of 2.00 Bohr and the scandium pseudopotential consisted of 11 valence electrons with a cutoff of 1.80 Bohr.

The CsCl structure basis is defined by the space group Pm3m with Cs at (0, 0, 0) and Cl at (0.5, 0.5, 0.5). The primitive vectors are given by a1 = a(1, 0, 0), a2 = a(0, 1, 0), and a3 = a(0, 0, 1). Figure 1 shows the CsCl structure.

Figure 1: ScAl in the CsCl structure. Purple atoms are Sc atoms and blue atoms are Al atoms.

For the rock salt structure, the space group is given by Fm3m and the basis consists of Na at (0, 0, 0) and Cl at (0.5, 0, 0) and the primitive vectors are a1 = a(0.5, 0.5, 0), a2 = a(0, 0.5, 0.5), and a3 = a(0.5, 0, 0.5). Figure 2 shows the NaCl structure.

Figure 2: ScAl in the NaCl structure. Purple atoms are Sc atoms and blue atoms are Al atoms.

To determine the lattice constant of ScAl in the CsCl and rock salt structures, the energy versus lattice parameter data was fit to the Birch-Murnaghan (BM) equation of state [3]:


E_{tot}(a) = E_0 + \frac{9V_0B_0}{16} [[(\frac{a_0}{a})^2 - 1]^3 B'_0 + [(\frac{a_0}{a})^2-1]^2 [6 -4 (\frac{a_0}{a})^2]]


where a_0 is the equilibrium lattice constant, V_0 is the equilibrium volume per atom, B_0 is the zero pressure bulk modulus, and B'_0 is the derivative of the bulk modulus with respect to pressure at constant temperature. These four parameters are treated as fitting parameters.


In figure 3 is plotted the DFT energy versus lattice parameter for the CsCl and NaCl structure and the BM fit to the data.

Figure 3: Energy versus lattice parameter for ScAl in the CsCl and NaCl structure. Solid lines represent the BM fit and the circles represent the raw DFT data.


From the BM fit for the CsCl structure of ScAl, the equilibrium lattice constant is calculated to be 3.403 Å and the bulk modulus is found to be 0.450 GPa. For the BM fit for the NaCl structure of ScAl, the equilibrium lattice constant is found to be 5.663 Å and the bulk modulus is calculated to be 0.111 GPa. From figure 3, it is indeed seen that the CsCl structure for ScAl is favored over the NaCl structure as its ground state energy is lower than that of NaCl. This follows the experimental phase of ScAl, which is found to be the Pm3m space group with a lattice constant of 3.388 Å [4]. The difference in lattice constant between the DFT calculated lattice parameter and the experimentally determined value can be attributed to multiple factors. One such factor can be the chosen pseudopotential; the use of other pseudopotential types such as LDA can be tested to see if a better comparison between computational and experimental values can be obtained.


[1] S. J. Clark, M. D. Segall, C. J. Pickard, P. J. Hasnip, M. J. Probert, K. Refson, M. C. Payne, “First principles methods using CASTEP”, Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 220(5-6) pp. 567-570 (2005)

[2] John P. Perdew, Kieron Burke, and Matthias Ernzerhof, “Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 – Published 28 October 1996; Erratum Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1396 (1997)

[3] D. Sholl and J. Steckel, Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction. (Wiley 2009)

[4] Schuster J.C., and Bauer J., The ternary systems Sc-Al-N and Y-Al-N, J. Less-Common Met., Vol. 109, 1985, p 345-350

Pt Crystal Lattice determination by Castep

by-Hepeng Ye

Crystallography is widely applied to study inorganic molecules, proteins, metals, etc. Such process is driven by entropy and enthalpy at the same time which makes it very tricky to control the crystallization and hard to predict what lattice will a given compound form at certain condition.

Platinum (Pt) metal is studied using Castep through energy minimization. Basic idea behind is that the lowest energy stable should be the most favored state, and that corresponding lattice should be the most likely lattice that we shall expect to observe from experiment. Now, lets pretend that we do not know what is the crystal lattice for Pt, and I will show you how to find out the more likely lattice.

Energy calculation involves GGA-PBE functional[1], and pseudo-potentials were set as default as OTFG ultrasoft[2]. And the ultrasoft pseudopotential for Pt is set to have core radii to be 2.403 Bohr radii (~1.27Å), vis using valence electrons in the 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d9 6s1 configuration.

Two lattices are studied, face center cubic(FCC) and hexagonal close packing(HCP), and the following part will present parameters optimization and energy minimization for both lattice.

For FCC, m-3m space group is used since it is the only possible space group, and by using lattice parameter (a) equals 4.0Å, energy cut-off convergence is determined.

Figure1. energy cut-off optimization for Pt FCC

As shown in the figure 1, energy difference converges as I use larger energy cut-off, and the difference between using 420ev cut-off and 480eV are very close. Base on this, I am confident to say that 480eV is a good stop point and larger cut-off may no longer be efficient for DFT calculation.


Then, another parameter optimized is the K-points. I used three cell sizes and all with 480eV cut-off energy. And plot below shows the energy per atom from irreducible K-points from 10 up to 120.

Figure 2. K-points optimization for Pt FCC at three different lattice parameters using optimized energy cut-off.

It is clear that as irreducible k-points used go beyond ~25, energy starts to stabilize, though still fluctuates in a tolerable range. And by considering the computation capability and energy accuracy, I use the irreducible k to be 56 (fourth point from left) as the optimized K-points for further calculation.

Energy cut-off is determined to be 480eV and K-points is 56, then the only parameter left for FCC structure is the cell length. I performed the a-optimization by randomly picking three a values, and do the calculation until energy is minimized for each, then I use these three energies in function of a-values to fit a parabola, and use that as an indication to look for another three a-values on the curve which are likely to give me the minimized energy.

Figure 3. Energy diagram verses lattice parameter using optimized K-points and energy cut-off.

Three iterations are performed and totally nine data points give a nice parabola. And the minimum energy (energy per atom) from the parameter a=3.975Å with corresponding energy to be -13051.00eV(per atom).

For platinum in HCP lattice, D3H-3 space group is used. And to make data from FCC and HCP calculation comparable with each other, energy cut-off is kept the same (480eV). But for D3H-3 space group, k-points need to be re-optimized since the real space and reciprocal space are both different from the fcc.

Figure 4. K-points optimization for Pt HCP lattice structure.

Starting with a equals 3.9Å and a/c ratio being 1.53. k-points are tested from 16 to 312.

Usually, more than 10 K-points should be enough, and it is true from the plot. There is a bump around 40 k-points and as a reason, I choose to use k equals 135 for calculation.

Since HCP has two lengths to be modified, one edge is defined as ‘a’ and another one as ‘c’. We know that in the crystal structure, size matters, and we know the density is a description of how many mass in a certain volume, so similar idea is used here that we analyze the energy of lattice at different pressure (isobaric condition), and for each pressure there should be a corresponding volume, which is a function of ‘a’ and ‘c’. By modifying the ratio of a/c, there should be an optimized (lowest) energy for that specific volume. Eventually, a plot of energy with respect to volumes will be plotted.

Figure 5. Energy diagram for Pt HCP at multiple lattice parameters’ ratios for each specific volume.

The plots above shows: at each volume(Å3), there are 10 a/c ratios evaluated from a/c equals 1.3 to 1.8 (most metal hcp fall into this range).

And by extracting the lowest energy from each volume, the minimum energy is get from the lowest point, to be -13050.24eV per atom.

FCC has minimum energy to be -13051.00 eV

HCP has minimum energy to be -13050.24 eV

So, FCC has lower energy, and should be the expected crystal structure for platinum.

As mentioned at the beginning, after showing the energy difference between these two possible lattice structures, what is the actual structure?

From Crystallography Open Database[3], I could infd the experimental result for Pt is FCC, with lattice parameter ‘a’ to be 3.944+/-0.004Å. The final lattice is fcc which is what we expect.



[1]:Setting up pseudopotentials- ultrasoft and norm-conserving pseudopotentials.

[2]:J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, and M. Ernzerhof, Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996)

[3]: Entry 1011103, F m -3 m #225, Crystallography Open Database.

Lattice constant predictions for ScAl assuming both the CsCl and NaCl structures

By Nathan McKee


This post examines the structure of ScAl, whether the material prefers the structure of CsCl or that of NaCl (shown in figures 1 and 2, respectively), and predicts the lattice constant in each case. For each structure, the lattice constant was varied and the ground state energy of the structure was calculated, repeating to find the lattice constant that minimizes the energy for each structure. DFT calculations were carried out with the plane-wave based code CASTEP. The GGA PBE functional was used1, as well as OTFG ultrasoft pseudopotentials2. These pseudopotentials include the 3s2 3p1 valence electrons and a cutoff radius of 1.5 Å for Al, and the 3s2 3p6 3d1 4s2 valence electrons and a cutoff radius of 1.6 Å for Sc. The convergence tolerance was set at 2.0*10-6 eV per atom.

Figure 1: The CsCl structure, which is a simple cubic lattice with two atoms per unit cell.

Figure 2: The NaCl sructure, which is an FCC lattice with two atoms per primitive unit cell.










Cutoff Energy and k Points

To ensure that the calculations converge properly, an analysis of the selection of k points and the cutoff energy was performed. The k points were chosen to be an NxNxN grid of evenly spaced points in reciprocal space, with the same number of points in each direction being appropriate for a cubic cell. Figures 3 and 4 show how an energy calculation converges as N increases and as the cutoff energy is raised. In both cases, an arbitrary constant was added to the calculated energies so that the values would be close to zero and the convergence could be seen more easily. The calculations for k point convergence were performed for the NaCl structure with a cutoff energy of 410.9 eV. The calculations for the cutoff energy convergence were performed for the same structure with a 6x6x6 k-point grid.

Figure 3: The calculated energy converges as the size of the NxNxN grid of k points increases. The energies have been shifted so that the differences are easy to see.

Figure 4: The calculated energy of the structure converges as the cutoff energy increases. The energies have been shifted so that the differences are easy to see.

Using these graphs as a guide, a 6x6x6 k point grid was used in conjunction with a cutoff energy of 410.9 eV for further calculations. It should also be noted that an origin shift was implemented in the k point grid in order to increase the total number of k points in the Brillouin Zone (BZ) without changing the number of k points in the Irreducible Brillouin Zone (IBZ). The shift used was 0.01 Å-1 in the x direction, 0.005 Å-1 in the y direction, and 0.003 Å-1 in the z direction. These values were chosen so that the k points would not lie on any symmetry axes, while maintaining a small shift compared to the spacing between k points.


Figures 5 and 6 show the energy minimization with respect to the lattice constant for each of the structures being considered. The vertical axes have been shifted so that the minimum energy value obtained lies on the horizontal axis. For the CsCl structure, a minimum energy of  -1385.213651797 eV was obtained, with a lattice constant of 3.380 Å. For the NaCl structure, a minimum energy of -1384.047417 eV was obtained, with a lattice constant of 5.649 Å.

Figure 5: Energy vs lattice constant for ScAl in the structure of CsCl. The value of Emin is -1385.213651797 eV.

Figure 6: Energy vs lattice constant for ScAl in the structure of NaCl. The value of Emin is -1384.047417 eV.


These results indicate that ScAl prefers the CsCl structure over the NaCl structure, because the minimum calculated energy of the CsCl structure was lower. In addition, these results predict a lattice constant of 3.380 Å for ScAl in the CsCl structure.


  1. Perdew, J. P., Burke, K. & Ernzerhof, M. Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865–3868 (1996).
  2. Gonze, X. & Finocchi, F. Pseudopotentials Plane Waves–Projector Augmented Waves: A Primer. Phys. Scr. 2004, 40 (2004).

Comparison between energy and enthalpy minimization for Platinum in the simple cubic and face centered cubic crystal structures

by Wilson Yanez


The aim of this project is to compare the methods of energy and enthalpy minimization to compute the lattice constant of platinum and to determine its preferred crystal structure between the simple cubic (SC), face centered cubic (FCC) and hexagonal closed packed (hcp)  lattices.

Energy minimization consists of finding the minimum of the total energy of the system at 0 K with different values of lattice constants and in different crystal structures . Thus predicting the most favorable configuration that happens in nature which minimizes the energy.

In order to reduce the computational demand, we perform a binary search of the optimal lattice parameter. Once we have three different energies that differ by less than 1 eV, we perform a second order polynomial fit using these values and determine the value of the lattice constant that minimizes the energy. Finally, we compute the energy of the system at that point.

The second method is to use the geometry optimization package provided with the Materials Studio suite that minimizes the enthalpy (H=U+PV) of the system. This method computes the pressure of the material using its stress tensor and also computes the volume of the unit cell in order to determine the value of the enthalpy. The algorithm converges to a solution when the energy difference between the actual and the previous value of enthalpy are lower than the defined tolerance and the maximum stress in the material is lower than a user defined value.

All of the calculations in this work have been performed using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE) functional and an on the fly generated (OTFG) pseudopotential [1,2]. The partial core correction is RC=1.679 and the electronic configuration is 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d9 6s1. The smearing scheme is Gaussian with a width of 100 meV and the energy cutoff is 272.1 ev. Unless otherwise specified, we use an 8x8x8 k points mesh with variable number of k points depending on the symmetry of the problem. We have neglected spin orbit coupling in this calculation since is a higher order relativistic effect.

In the case of the geometry optimization, the minimization has been performed by the two point steepest descent (TPSD) method with a maximum energy difference of 2E-6 eV/atom, a maximum force of 0.05 eV/Å, a maximum displacement of 0.2 pm and a maximum stress of 0.1 GPa.


Simple Cubic

We define a simple cubic unit cell using the 221 PM-3M symmetry group as can be seen in figure 1. After we perform our energy minimization algorithm we obtain the results shown in figure 2. As we can see the minimal energy of the system was -13050.111 eV with a lattice constant of 2.65 Å

Figure 1: Simple cubic lattice and respective Brillouin zone

Figure 2: Energy minimization data for the simple cubic structure after 3 iterations. Just the final iteration is shown for clarity

For our second method we obtained an enthalpy of -13050.098 eV and a lattice constant of 2.66 Å

Face Centered Cubic

We define a face centered cubic unit cell using the 225 FM-3M symmetry group as can be seen in figure 3. After we perform our energy minimization algorithm we obtain the results shown in figure 4. As we can see the minimal energy of the system was -13050.528 eV with a lattice constant of 3.97 Å

Figure 3: Face centered cubic lattice and respective Brillouin zone

Figure 4: Energy minimization data for the face centered cubic structure after 5 iterations. Just the final iteration is shown for clarity

For our second method we obtained an enthalpy of -13050.4917 eV and a lattice constant of 4.02 Å

Hexagonal Closed Packed

We define an hexagonal closed packed unit cell using the 194 P63/MMC symmetry group as can be seen in figure 5. The minimization is performed by finding the a value with diferent c/a ratios as can be seen in figure 6. After that we perform a second order fit from the lowest energy values of the different c/a to find the correct minimum, as can be seen in figure 7. After all this process, we find that the minimal energy of the system was -13050.494 eV with a lattice constant of a=2.78 Å and c=4.73 Å with c/a=1.7

Figure 5: Hexagonal closed packed lattice and respective unit cell

Figure 6: Energy minimization data for closed packed structure. Just the final iteration of each c/a ratio is shown for clarity. The energy in the surface plot has been shifted by 13050 eV.

Figure 7: Interpolation of the c/a ratio considering the minimum of each data set.


For our second method we obtained an enthalpy of -13050.484 eV and lattice constants of a=2.81 Å, c= 4.80 Å and c/a=1.71

The calculation results can be summarized and in table 1 for the energy minimization method and in table 2 for the enthalpy minimization.

Latticea AngstromEnergy/atom eVMesh# of K pointsEnergy cut offc/a
Latticea AngstromEnthalpy/atom eVEnergy/atom eVMesh# of K pointsEnergy cut offc/a


It can be seen that both methods were effective in order to determine the lattice constant of platinum. The preferred crystal structure is an FCC lattice with a lattice constant of 3.97±3 Å and a minimum energy of -13050.528 eV

It has been noticed that the c/a ratio found in this work is actually different from the theoretical value of 1.633 predicted for an ideal hcp structure. As we can see from the previous data. It is really important to also optimize this ratio. Otherwise, there might be a difference on the lattice parameter of up to 0.1 Å.

This calculation matches the preferred structure of platinum found in nature of a face centered cubic lattice. The computed lattice constant exhibits a 1.25% discrepancy with the actual value of 3.92 Å using the energy minimization method and of 2.6% for the enthalpy minimization method.

Even though both methods predict the correct phase for Pt, the enthalpy minimization algorithm seems to be overestimating the stress tensor contribution on the material. Thus increasing the error in the calculation of its lattice constant.


[1]  J. P. Perdew K. Burke, Y. Wang. Phys. Rev. B 57, 14999 (1998)

[2] Perdew, J. P; Burke, K; Ernzerhof, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865-3868 (1996)

Lattice constant for ScAl in CsCl and NaCl structures

Lev Krainov


The goal of this post is to study crystal structure of ScAl. Two possible configurations were investigated: CsCl and NaCl crystal structures. For each structure lattice constant was found by seeking a minimum of a ground state energy. Data shows that ScAl prefers CsCl structure with lattice constant a=3.378\AA over the NaCl structure.

Computational details:

Ground state energy computations were performed using DFT plane-wave pseudopotential method implemented in CASTEP[2]. With CASTEP, we use the GGA-PBE as an exchange-correlation functional [3]. We also employ On-the-fly generated (OTFG) ultrasoft pseudopotential was used to describe the interactions of ionic core and valance electrons with a core radius of 2.4Bohr(1.27 Å) [4]. Pseudo atomic calculation is performed for 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1 orbitals of Sc and 3s2 3p1 orbitals of Al. SCF convergence tolerance was set to 1.0E-6eV/atom. The Koelling-Harmon relativistic treatment was used for Sc orbitals.

K-points convergence

First we investigate convergence for both geometries. Since we need to pick some lattice constant we performed CASTEP geometry optimization using BFGS hill-climbing algorithm[1] with 15 k-points and E_{cut}=600eV. These values were determined to give unit cell size converged up to 0.001\AA tolerance. The resulting lattice parameters are a=3.378\AA for CsCl and a=5.656\AA for NaCl. Using these we investigate how the ground state energy converges with the number of k-points with fixed cutoff energy E_{cut}=500eV.

Figure 1 shows that for both geometries at 17 k-points energy is convergent up to 0.001 eV. Energies are shifted by E_f=-1385.315eV for CsCl structure and by E_f = -1384.149eV for NaCl structure, which was set to the most accurate ground state energy obtained for each.  Due to the symmetry of NaCl crystal for this structure odd number of k-points leads to half as many total points in the full 3D Brillouin zone compared to even number of k-points in each dimension.

Figure 1. Convergence of energy with respect to the number of k-points for CsCl(blue) and NaCl(orange) geometries.

Cutoff energy convergence

Next we achieve same level of convergence  with respect to cutoff energy keeping number of k-points fixed at 17 for CsCl and at 15 for NaCl geometries. Figure 2 shows that E_{cut}=600eV is enough to obtain energy up to 0.001eV.

Figure 2. Convergence of energy with respect to the cutoff energy for CsCl(blue) and NaCl(orange) geometries in logarithmic scale. The high value of the last point is explained by the error present in [latex]E_f[/latex].

Geometry optimization

Now we use found values of E_{cut} and k-points to find ground state energy as a function of unit cell size and look for a minimum approximating it by a parabola. Also we run BFGS geometry optimization with the same values of E_{cut} and k-points, shown as orange dot on Figure 3. For both geometries energy of a minimum of a parabola and energy given by BFGS agree up to 0.0001eV. But since for NaCl minimum is about two times wider this energy error introduces larger error for lattice constant of \delta a\approx0.0035\AA while for ScAl the error is less than 0.001\AA.

Figure 3. Lattice constant optimization for CsCl(top) and NaCl(bottom) structures. Orange dot for both shows the result of CASTEP geometry optimization with the same number of k-points and cutoff energy.


The results are shown in the table below. Error estimation for lattice constant was performed assuming 0.001eV error in energy and parabolic approximation. The resulting error is on the order of 0.01Å and probably could be improved by including more points in geometry optimization. Energies of ground states show that ScAl prefers CsCl structure with a\approx3.38\AA which is in a good agreement with experimental value of 3.388Å[6].

Crystal structureGround state energy E0, eVlattice parameter a, ÅCutoff energy E_cut, eVnumber of k points


[1] R. Fletcher; A new approach to variable metric algorithms, The Computer Journal, Volume 13, Issue 3, 1 January 1970, Pages 317–322

[2] S. J. Clark, M. D. Segall, C. J. Pickard, P. J. Hasnip, M. J. Probert, K. Refson, M. C. Payne, “First principles methods using CASTEP”, Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie 220(5-6) pp. 567-570 (2005)

[3] Perdew, J. P; Burke, K; Ernzerhof, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1996, 77, 3865-3868


[5] D D Koelling and B N Harmon 1977 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 10 3107

[6]Schuster J.C., and Bauer J., The ternary systems Sc-Al-N and Y-Al-N, J. Less-Common Met., Vol. 109, 1985, p 345-350

Lattice Constants and Stability of FCC, SC, and HCP Platinum

James Goff

Computational Methods

DFT simulations were performed using the CASTEP package implemented through MaterialsStudio70. The GGA was used for the density functional as implemented in Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof.1 Ultra Soft Pseudopotentials (Pt_00.usp) were used to represent the atomic cores. These pseudopotentials have 10 valence electrons (5d96s1) in the configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s25p64f145d96s1 with a cutoff radius of 2.4 au. A Monkhorst-pack grid of 10x10x10 was used to sample the Brillouin zone for primitive cubic cells.2 To maintain a consistent sampling of the Brillouin zone, the nearly equivalent kpoint density was achieved in HCP cells with a grid of 10x10x5. The electronic states were smoothed with 0.1 eV smearing. The convergence threshold for all SCF calculations was 10^-8 eV. It was found that a kinetic energy cutoff of 500 eV was required to converge energies to within 10 meV/atom. These results can be found in the appended convergence data. This cutoff was also selected such that the relative error in the pressure was < 0.1%. Cells were initially constructed such that the initial distance between Pt atoms was approximately 2.8 angstroms. To achieve this in HCP cells, the initial c/a ratio was approximately 1.75.

To obtain the lattice parameters for Platinum in FCC, SC, and HCP systems, the third-order Birch-Murnighan (BM) equation of state,

was used where Eo, Vo, and Bo are the system energy, system volume, and system bulk modulus at zero pressure, respectively. The coefficient, B’o , is the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus at constant temperature. These were the fitting parameters for the DFT data. This is outlined in Sholl et. al.3 The volume form of the equation is used so that Hexagonal systems can be fit as well. To fit the Equation of State (EOS), 5-8 SCF simulations were performed to obtain the system energy with varied lattice parameters. The range was constructed such that there were at least three data points to fit on either side energy vs volume minimum. The fits were obtained using Microsoft Excel’s least squares solver, and the BM parameters were optimized until the RMS error on the predicted energy was on the order of 10^-3 eV.

Results and Discussion

The minimum energies predicted with the BM equation for FCC, SC, and HCP Pt are 718.162, 717.612, and  718.104 eV, respectively. It is evident that FCC platinum is more stable than SC and HCP platinum. From figure 2b, the minimum energy for HCP Pt is slightly higher than that for FCC Pt by 0.06 eV. Experiment suggests that FCC Pt is the most stable under standard conditions with a lattice parameter of 2.772 Angstroms.4 The DFT results and BM fits for the FCC and SC lattices are shown in figure 1a and 1b Figure 2 outlines the DFT results and BM fits to HCP Pt.  The result obtained for the lattice constant of FCC Pt, at 2.828 Angstroms  is larger by 2 % than the experimental value. This error is likely due to ‘under-binding’ in solids common in PBE-GGA functionals. FCC is the most favorable lattice for Pt, the energy difference of 0.06 eV is well within the error present from the DFT simulations (based on 10 meV convergence criteria) and the RMS errors from the fits.


The initial c/a ratio of HCP Pt was tested with values of 1.65, 1.75, and 1.85, with the ratio 1.75 corresponding to distances between Pt of 2.82 angstroms. The BM equation was fit to the c/a ratio yielding the lowest energy; as discussed in 2b, this is the c/a ratio that yields Pt-Pt spacing most similar to that in the other Close-Packed structure (FCC).




The predicted structure for Pt is FCC with a primitive lattice constant of 2.828 Angstroms. While both HCP and FCC are significantly lower in energy than the SC lattice, the energy difference between the HCP and FCC structures is small. Only three c/a ratios were tested for HCP structures, and future work should test more c/a ratios near the ratio currently yielding the minimum. Though these lattices may be close in energy due to the previously mentioned similarities between FCC and HCP lattices.


  1. Perdew, J. P., Burke, K. & Ernzerhof, M. Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865–3868 (1996).
  2. Monkhorst, H. J. & Pack, J. D. Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations. Phys. Rev. B 13, 5188–5192 (1976).
  3. Sholl, D. & Steckel, J. A. Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction. (John Wiley & Sons, 2011).
  4. Callister, William D., and David G. Rethwisch. Materials science and engineering: an introduction. Vol. 7. New York: John wiley & sons, 2007.

Appended Convergence Data:

Determination of the optimal crystal structure of Pt using DFT energy optimization from Simple Cubic, Face-Centered Cubic, and Hexagonal Closed-Packed

by Angela Nguyen

1. Introduction

The purpose of this project is to determine the crystal structure and lattice constant of platinum (Pt) through the usage of Density Functional Theory (DFT) with a plane wave basis set as implemented by the CAmbridge Serial Total Energy Package (CASTEP) module [1] in Materials Studio. Three different crystal structures for Pt will be investigated (simple cubic (sc), face centered cubic (fcc), and hexagonal close-packed (hcp)) and their optimal lattice constants will be calculated. In order to determine which crystal is preferred, the total energy for each optimized crystal structure will be compared, where the crystal structure with the lowest total energy will be the preferred crystal structure. From the DFT calculations, it was determined the optimal lattice constants for the sc and fcc conventional crystal structure were 2.64 Å and 3.97 Å respectively. In terms of the fcc primitive cell, the lattice constant was determined to be 2.80 Å. For the hcp crystal structure, the optimal \(\frac{c}{a}\) was determined to be 1.8 in which the optimal lattice constants were a = 2.72 Å and c = 4.90 Å. The total energy calculated for the sc, fcc, and hcp crystal structure were -8.51 eV/atom, -8.98 eV/atom and -8.91 eV/atom. From this, it was determined that the optimal crystal structure for Pt is the fcc with a lattice parameter  of 3.97 Å.

2. DFT Parameters

Listed below are the parameters used for the optimization of each crystal structure.

Exchange-Correlation Functional TypeGeneralized Gradient Approximations [2]
Exchange-Correlation FunctionalPerdew Burke Ernzerhof [3]
Relativistic TreatmentKoelling-Harmon [4]
Psuedopotential"On the fly" generated (OTFG) ultrasoft [5]
K point GridMonkhorst-Pack [6]

The cutoff radius for the stated pseudopotential is 2.40 Bohr (1.27 Å) with 32 valence electrons in the following configuration 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d9 6s1.

3. Methodology

Using Materials Studio, three different crystal structures for Pt were built and optimized. For the sc and fcc crystal structure, the same optimization method was used as only one lattice parameter is needed to define the structure. The hcp crystal structure required a different optimization method as two lattice parameters are needed to define the crystal structure. In order to systematically vary the two lattice parameters, a ratio \(\frac{c}{a}\) was defined to vary the parameters accordingly.

3.1 sc and fcc Crystal Structure Optimization

3.1.1 Lattice Constant

First, the lattice constant to define each crystal structure was optimized. The lattice constant (\(a\)) was varied between 2.0 – 3.0 Å for the sc crystal structure and between 3.5 – 4.5 Å for the fcc crystal structure. The total energy was recorded for each different lattice constant. To normalize the data, the cohesive energy of each \(a\) was calculated using the atomic psuedopotential energy:


where \(E_{cos}\) is the cohesive energy, \(E_{atomic}\) is the psuedo atomic energy, and \(N_{atoms}\) is the number of atoms in the cell.

The data was then plotted and fitted to the Birch-Murnaghan (BM) equation of state [7]:

\begin{equation}E_{tot}(a)=E_{0}+\frac{9V_{tot}B_{tot}}{16}{[(\frac{a_{0}}{a})^{2}-1]^{3}}B_{0}^{‘}+[(\frac{a_{0}}{a})^{2}-1]^{2}[6-4(\frac{a_{0}}{a})^{2}] \end{equation}

where \(E_{tot} \) is the total energy, \(V_{0}\) is the equilibrium volume per atom, \(B_{0}\) is the bulk modulus at zero pressure, \(B_{0}^{‘}\) is the partial derivative of B with respect to pressure at constant temperature, \(a\) is the lattice constant, and \(a_{0}\) is the lattice constant corresponding to the minimum energy. To fit the data, \(E_{0}\), \(V_{0}\), \(B_{0}\), \(B_{0}^{‘}\), and \(a_{0}\) were left as fitting parameters which varied depending on the crystal structure. Once the data was fitted, \(a_{0}\) would then correspond to the optimal lattice constant for each crystal structure.

3.1.2 K Points

The k point mesh was varied for each structure in order to ensure convergence of the last optimization of each structure using \(a_{0}\) as the lattice constant. Because the sc and fcc crystal structure have the same lattice constants in all three dimensions, the k point mesh had the form of M x M x M. For each variation of the mesh, the number of irreducible points for was determined and the energy was then recorded. The energy was then corrected using Equation 1.This data was then plotted to determine which k point mesh produced a cohesive energy value that was within 0.01 eV of the energy of the largest k point mesh used, while having the lowest amount of irreducible k points. This mesh would then be used for the final computation of determining the total energy of the system.

3.1.3 Energy Cutoff

The energy cutoff was varied between 200 and 600 eV for each structure in order to ensure convergence of each structure using \(a_{0}\) as the lattice constant. Again, the energy for each energy cutoff point was recorded and corrected using Equation 1. The data was then plotted to determine the lowest energy cutoff needed while still ensuring the calculation was converged. The minimum energy cutoff was chosen by determining which cutoff produced a total energy that was within 0.01 eV of the highest energy, while having the lowest energy cutoff.

3.2 hcp Crystal Structure Optimization

3.2.1 Lattice Constant

The optimization method used for the hcp crystal structure was similar to that of the sc and fcc crystal structure except for varying the lattice constants (\(a\) and \(c\)). Because two lattice constants are needed to define the structure, a ratio of  \(\frac{c}{a}\) was used to vary the lattice constants appropriately, where \(\frac{c}{a}\) varied between 1.6 to 1.9, and \(a\) was varied between 2.5 – 5.0 Å. For each \(\frac{c}{a}\), a plot of cohesive energy versus \(a\) was produced and then fitted to the BM equation of state to determine the \(a_{0}\) for each ratio. The lowest \(a_{0}\) was then chosen as the optimal lattice constant for the hcp crystal structure in which the second lattice parameter was calculated accordingly to the chosen \(a_{0}\)’s respective \(\frac{c}{a}\).

3.2.2 K Points

For the HCP crystal structure, the k point mesh was chosen differently as the unit cell is not cubic. Instead, the mesh had the form M x M x N.

4. Results

Shown below will be the results for the optimization of the sc crystal structure for the lattice constant, k point mesh, and energy cutoff for brevity of this post. Afterwards, a table summarizing the final optimizing parameters for each crystal structure will be given.

Figure 1. Cohesive energy (eV/atom) vs. Lattice constant (Å). The blue circles represents the data points obtained from DFT calculations in Materials Studio. The blue line represents the fitted BM equation of state for the given data set. The red square represents \(a_{0}\), or the minimum of the BM equation of state, that will be used in future optimization calculations. The inset is the magnified portion of the plot around \(a_{0}\), which is 2.64 Å.

Figure 1 represents the plot of the total energy per atom as a function of lattice constant. As expected, the plot shows almost a quadratic relationship between the energy per atom and the lattice constant. The BM equation of state can be used to fit the data points and determine the \(a_{0}\) for the crystal structure. From the fit, \(a_{0}\) for the sc crystal structure is 2.64 Å.

Figure 2. Cohesive energy (eV/atom) vs. Energy cutoff (eV). The blue circles represents the data points obtained from DFT calculations in Materials Studio. The blue line is to help guide the eye across the plot. The black dashed lines represent the +/- 0.01 eV tolerance used to determine the optimal energy cutoff. The red square represents optimal energy cutoff that will be used in future calculations. The inset is the magnified portion of the plot around the optimal energy cutoff, which is 400 eV.

Figure 2 displays a plot of the cohesive energy per atom as a function of the number of irreducible k points as determined by Materials Studio. From the plot, it can be seen that the number of irreducible k points significantly affects the total energy determined from the CASTEP module. If the wrong k point mesh is chosen, then the energy will not be converged and yield an invalid result. From the above plot, the k point mesh chosen for the sc crystal structure was 9 x 9 x 9, corresponding to 365 irreducible k points.

Figure 3. Cohesive energy (eV/atom) vs. Number of irreducible k points. The blue circles represents the data points obtained from DFT calculations in Materials Studio. The blue line is to help guide the eye across the plot. The black dashed lines represent the +/- 0.01 eV tolerance used to determine the optimal number of irreducible k point mesh. The red square represents optimal k point mesh that will be used in future calculations. The inset is the magnified portion of the plot around the optimal k point mesh, which is 9 x 9 x 9.

Figure 3 shows a plot of the total energy per atom as a function of energy cutoff. Again, it is important to choose an appropriate energy cutoff to ensure that the energy given is converged to one’s chosen tolerance, which in this case is 0.03 eV. From the plot, the chosen energy cutoff for the SC crystal structure is 400 eV. To note, this energy cutoff was used for the other two crystal structures as to make sure the same plane waves were used for all calculations. Also, each crystal structure had the same optimal energy cutoff of 400 eV.

Figure 4. Cohesive energy (eV/atom) vs. Lattice constant (Å) for hpc at various \(frac{c}{a}\). The colored circles represent the data points obtained from DFT calculations in Materials Studio where each color is denoted by the legend on the right. The colored lines represent the fitted BM equation of state for each given data set. The red square represents \(a_{0}\), or the minimum of the BM equation of state, that will be used in future optimization calculations, which is 2.72 Å.

Lastly, Figure 4 is a plot summarizing the optimization of the two lattice constants for the hcp crystal structure. From the plot, it can be seen that optimal \(a_{0}\) occurs when \(\frac{c}{a}\) is 1.8. When \(\frac{c}{a}\) is increased to 1.9, the cohesive energy starts to increase again relative to \(a_{0}\).

Below are the optimized crystal structures for Pt as well as a table summarizing the parameters chosen and energy values for each crystal structure. When comparing the energies in the table, it can be seen that the FCC crystal structure has the lowest energy. Thus, the preferred crystal structure for Pt is the FCC crystal structure with a lattice constant of 3.97 Å.

Figure 5. Optimized crystal structures for Pt. a) sc crystal structure. b) fcc crystal structure. c) hcp crystal structure.

Crystal StructureLattice Parameter [Å]K Point MeshEnergy Cutoff [eV]Cohesive Energy [eV/atom]
sc2.649 x 9 x 9400-8.51
fcc3.9711 x 11 x 11400-8.98
10 x 10 x 6400-8.91

5. Conclusions

From the above given data, it can be seen that the preferred crystal structure for Pt is FCC with a lattice constant of 3.97 Å. In order to check on how accurate the lattice constant is to experimental values, two different sources were used: 1) Materials Project (a computational  database populated with thousands of inorganic compounds, molecules, etc) and 2) experimental work tabulated by Wiley. The table below lists the lattice constant values for the this project, the Materials Project, and the experimental work.

DFTMaterials Project [8]Experimental [9]

From the table, it can be seen that the value obtained from DFT after optimization is in good agreement with that of Materials Project. This is to be expected, since both values were obtained computationally using the GGA functional. When comparing to the experimental value listed by Wiley, it can be seen that there is a larger difference in values for the lattice constant (0.05 Å) as opposed to the reference computational value. This difference can be attributed to multiple factors such as the computation calculations are done in vacuum and that all crystals were of uniform shape and size. Experimentally, this is not possible as it is difficult to run experiments in vacuum and the shapes of each Pt crystal cannot be controlled. Overall, it can be concluded that the preferred crystal structure for Pt is indeed FCC with a lattice constant of approximately 3.97 Å.

6. References

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[5] D. Vanderbilt, “Soft self-consistent pseudopotentials in a generalized eigenvalue formalism,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 7892–7895, Apr. 1990.
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