- Analysis of Platinum's Lattice Structure in Respect to Minimal Energy by Charles Bigelow
- Geometry Optimization of ScAl in CsCl and NaCl Structures by Jordan Alysia Barr
- Pt Crystal Lattice determination by Castep by Hepeng Ye
- Lattice constant predictions for ScAl assuming both the CsCl and NaCl structures by Nathan Jay Mckee
- Lattice constant for ScAl in CsCl and NaCl structures by Lev Krainov
- Lattice Constants and Stability of FCC, SC, and HCP Platinum by James M Goff
- Shifting of k points in hexagonal lattices by Brandon Bocklund
- DFT Predictions for Lattice Parameters of Hafnium (Hf) by Sharad Maheshwari
- Lattice parameter for Hf and comparison to experimental measurements by Naveen Agrawal