PUBPL 482: Seminar in Health Policy

Medicaid Expansion States as of 2020, by Kurkyh, CC BY-SA 3.0

Download my Fall 2020 syllabus

Course Description

The global COVID-19 pandemic has turned everyone’s attention to the ramifications of our health policy choices. It is, however, important to recognize the long struggle over health policy in the United States. This course will help students understand how historical political dynamics and policy choices affect the structure and differential outcomes of our health system today. This will be achieved through a combination of learning historical context and exploring present debates. Since this is a capstone policy seminar, I use a democratic classroom where students are partners in developing the course and its assessments. We will spend time during the first week of the course fleshing out our expectations of each other and the course. This will included negotiating a grading contract. In addition to learning this content, students will learn and apply policy analysis techniques to a health policy problem of their choosing. Students will have the option of pursuing publication of their analyses, if they desire.

Course Schedule

Week 1: Introductions

  • August 25: Introduction to the course and each other (Slides)
  • August 27: Grading Contract and Course Topics Negotiation
    • Please contribute to the list of potential topics and read the draft grading contract before class. Both are on Teams.
  • August 29: Regular Drop Deadline

Week 2: History and Analysis

Week 3: Policy Analysis Tools

  • September 8: Policy Analysis and Ethics (Slides)

    • Weimer and Vining. Chapters 2 and 3
  • September 10: Getting Started (Slides)

    • Weimer and Vining. Chapter 14-16
    • Analysis Teams and Topic Due
  • September 10: So You Want to Learn More About COVID-19

Week 4: Policy Analysis Tools

  • September 15: Cost-Benefit Analysis (Slides)

    • Weimer and Vining. Chapter 17
  • September 17: Public Agency Strategic Analysis (Slides)

    • Weimer and Vining. Chapter 18

Week 5: Healthcare Around the World and Administration

Week 6: Costs and Market Failure

Week 7: Peer Review and Other Policy Goals

Week 8: Other Policy Goals and Government Failure

  • October 13: Other Policy Goals (Slides)

    • Weimer and Vining. Chapter 7
      • Analysis Rough Draft Due
  • October 15: Governmental Failure (Slides)

    • Weimer and Vining. Chapter 8

Week 9: Economic Inequality

Week 10: Burnout and Race

Week 11: Race

Week 12: Mental Health and Gender Bias

Week 13: Federalism

Week 14: Thanksgiving Break

  • November 24 and 26: No Class

Week 15: Circuit Breaker and Presentation Prep

Week 16: Presentations

  • December 8: Team Presentations
  • December 10: Final Paper Workshop Day
    • I will be on Zoom for any last minute check-ins
  • December 11
    • Third peer review and all make-up work due

Week 17: Finals Week

  • Final Policy Analysis Paper due December 17 by midnight