Course Page for Psychology 438

Penn State DuBois

Fall Semester, 2012

Dr. John A. Johnson

New Location for Web-Based Course Materials:


In previous years this web page provided links to course-relevant information. That information is now all available on ANGEL. Penn State recently changed its policy such that only students registered in a course can access ANGEL materials for that course.

Accessing materials at ANGEL if you are registered in this course

If you are a student registered in the course, browse to: . Near the top of the page is a window containing the words Penn State Access Account. Next to that window is a button labeled Log On. Click that button.

In the window that appears enter your Penn State access id (which is the part of your email address before the in the field next to Userid, and enter your access password in the field next to Password. (This is the same password you use for your Penn State email account). Click the button labeled Login.

On the page that comes up, courses for which you are registered (including this one) should be listed in the My Courses area. Just click on the PSY 438 link and you are there.

For convenience, links to some of the course materials are still provided below.

Materials Used in the Course

Possibly Useful Links:

The Personality Project at Northwestern University

  • This is the most comprehensive web site on personality on the entire World Wide Web.

The International Personality Item Pool

  • The first personality collaboratory on the web, created by Dr. Lewis R. Goldberg, a colleague of Dr. Johnson.

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John A. Johnson

Last Update: August 27, 2012