Hannah's Media Leap Blog

FYE: My First College Exam

Coming to Penn State, I knew there were so many fun and exciting things to look forward to such as more independence, the chance to make new friends, the numerous clubs/organizations I may be able to participate in, etc. One thing I was not so excited for was my first college exam.

Coming straight out of highschool (my graduation was a week before summer session began), I was still in a “second semester senior” mindset, which essentially involved minimal studying coupled with procrastination. Knowing that I was still in this mindset, this had me very worried on how I would be able to tackle my first college exam through new study habits.

My first college exam ended up being in my Mass Media & Society class, specifically on chapters 1, 3, and 5. Luckily I enjoy reading, so it turns out that studying for this exam was not as bad as I had dreamed it up to be. Although I read each chapter several times, took notes, and highlighted the important points/keywords, I still did not feel prepared.

When it came time (12:40pm to be exact) to take the exam, I was shaking at my desk. I logged on, submitted the password, and began. Reflecting back on my experience now, I should not have been worked up over this exam, because I knew I put in so many prior hours to study. I ended up receiving the grade I wanted, and  hope that for future exams, I will be able to compose myself and not be so nervous.


  1. hmd5137 says:

    All thanks to you! 🙂

  2. rdn11 says:

    You got this!

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