Advocacy Poster Analysis


This advocacy poster administered by Cordaid is extremely effective for many reasons. First off, in regards to exigence, Cordaid clearly defines a need- impoverished individuals need money in order to pay for food on a weekly basis. This point is highlighted by the size of the model in the image; she is extremely thin, which implies the difficulty she faces in obtaining necessary amounts of food. Secondly, in regards to kairos, the poster invites onlookers to send a text message and donate money to “People in Need,” so that they can provide nourishment to poor people. Lastly, in regards to stasis, this advocacy poster engages with their audience by appealing to pathos. It taps into viewers emotions by contrasting a handbag and food for a week. The image shows that an ornate handbag, which many people in affluent regions own, costs an astounding 32 Euros. Directly beneath this value, the price of food for an entire week is written in small, faded letters- a modest 4 Euros. By using this strategy, Cordaid makes onlookers feel guilty for possessing so many luxuries, while their counterparts in other places of the world cannot afford a simple meal. Ultimately, this persuades individuals to donate to the “People in Need” cause, making it a very effective advocacy ad.

3 thoughts on “Advocacy Poster Analysis

  1. Tessa

    This is such a powerful message. I almost feel, however, that the cost of food for a week should be in bigger font. The true message of the advertisement can be looked over easily if the onlooker doesn’t decide to stop and look closely at the poster (which most people wont). I’m sure there’s a reason why the advertisers decided to make the text so small, but I can’t see why when they have such a powerful message.

  2. mso5087

    I have seen this ad before, and I agree that it’s effective. Its message is clear and strong without being like jump-out-at-you scary. One is drawn into the ad by the strangeness of the model, and then realizes the implications of a near-starving woman holding such an expensive bag that we in America might buy without a second thought. The guilt and pity we feel is what the ad wants, trying to motivate its audience to take action.

  3. Laura

    I think another powerful aspect of this ad is the pose in which the woman is laying. It wouldn’t be uncommon for an American model to pose like this but seeing a women who clearly is not a model do the same makes the viewer feel uncomfortable. It highlights just how different our values and needs are from the people this ad is advocating for.

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