A passion of mine that I discovered during my French language courses in high school is learning about different cultures around the world, specifically the cultural celebrations and festivals around the world that are different from those in the United States. For example, I thought that Poisson D’Avril and La Toussaint were very interesting and wanted to learn more about these events. A possible passion blog could be on different cultural holidays around the world, explaining the festival itself and the meaning to the people who participate in them. I would also analyze how these celebrations have similar features to American celebrations or hold completely different details that are not congruent to anything popularly celebrated in America. This would be useful to provide global perspectives to students at Penn State who do not know about different cultures and to give insight into how other cultures express their important dates.
Although not many people may share my interest in cultural celebrations, I can say with confidence, from observation and my own opinion, that almost everyone loves food in some way. Many freshmen, myself included, cannot decide what to eat or where to go in a timely manner. Conquering the feat of deciding where to eat downtown based on Yelp reviews or recommendations from friends is not ideal sometimes, so my second idea for a passion blog topic is creating posts explaining various restaurants in State College that I have eaten at, posting pictures of what I got or what my friends ate, and rating it based on a few categories, like cost, menu selection, and taste. This blog would hopefully give students a better idea of where to go to eat downtown and would be relevant to every Penn State student.