Caring is Sharing

I know, I know — it’s supposed to be the other way around. But when you care about someone, you share things with them. Whether it’s your life, a gift, or even food you got from a restaurant… When you genuinely care about certain people in your life, you want them to be a part […]

Editing The Rugby Team

Okay, to clarify, I am not Airbrushing the Men’s Rugby Team. Nor am I photoshopping them. What I am doing, however, is editing the videos for the Mic’d Up sessions. Or, at least I was for the past three days which took way longer than I initially thought it would be since I’m normally able […]

Hospital Small Talk

Hospitals are pretty much the last place that people want to be (besides jail). Unfortunately, I’ve been one too many times to be considered “normal.” I won’t go into detail, but basically, when I was young I had a medical emergency that had an impact on me for the rest of my life. Now, it’s […]


I love learning languages. So far I’m working towards my minor in Spanish, but I can speak bits and pieces of Italian, Turkish, and Korean. But don’t ask me to have a full conversation or spit out, like, paragraphs (except for Spanish) because I can’t. My favorite, obviously, is Spanish, specifically European Spanish. I don’t […]

Be Scared And Do It Anyways

I’ve talked about/alluded to how the first semester was fairly hard for me. College is hard, and the idea that these are the “best four years of your life” never sat right with me. I don’t know. That idea just seems so depressing to me. Like, I’ve always been the type of girl who doesn’t […]

Seen and Heard

Have you ever felt seen and heard without having to do or say anything? I can tell you from experience that it’s one of the most life-altering gifts you can ever receive and give someone. And yes, it is a gift. It’s a gift because we live in a world where a person can be […]

Finding Your People

Gosh. There are even NY Times bestsellers written on this topic. Finding. Your. People. Why is it so difficult? That’s a very loaded question to pose. But I’m going to share a story of how finding your people isn’t necessarily about making friends, but something as simple as studying a field you love. When I […]

Alone In A Crowded Room

“If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?” “It’s the very first breath when your heads been drowning underwater.” “Have you ever felt like nobody was there… forgotten in the middle of nowhere… like you could disappear, like you could fall, and no one would hear.” I’ve found that media […]

People Watching

I wondered for the longest time what to write about. Last semester, I wrote about food because I have a food account on Instagram, so I thought that that would work. But I found myself getting so bored with the topic. It felt like I was pulling words and sentences out of nothing. Meeting the […]