Bulletin (BLTN)

The Bulletin (BLTN) process is used to formally issue changes to the construction documents (drawings and/or specifications) after the construction contract has been issued. For this process, “Bulletin” includes what are often referred to as ASI’s (Architect’s Supplemental Instructions). No separate process exists for ASI’s. Bulletins and ASI’s are collectively referred to as Bulletins. The Designer submits updated drawings and/or specifications to the Contractor. The Contractor acknowledges and identifies if there is a potential cost and/or schedule impact. If a cost or schedule impact is identified, the Bulletin will not become part of the contract documents until the related PCO is approved and a change order issued. If there is no cost and no schedule impact, the Contractor’s acknowledgement of the Bulletin will make the updated drawings and/or specifications part of the contract documents. This process can be started manually by the Designer or automatically through the Request for Information (RFI) process.

USER MANUAL:  Bulletin Process

TIPS & TRICKS:  Click here to view all tips and tricks for this process.

FILE NAMING MANUAL:  Click here to see how to name files appropriately for this process.


1.  Overview 2:17
2.  Step 01 Start 5:28
3.  Step 02 Designer Prep Bulletin 7:33
4.  Step 03 Design Revise 8:03
5.  Step 04 Contractor Acknowledge 6:45

*Click on the video to play.  Click the forward button to advance to the next video or view each video separately by clicking on the step name.

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