CO-Tips & Tricks

Retainage Reduction at the END of a Contract

Because of the way e-Builder works with retainage, e-Builder does not consider retainage as part of the remaining contract balance.  Therefore, we can’t just submit a PCO/CO to reduce the retainage such as in a back-charge situation.  There are steps that need to be taken to address this situation.

If you see a credit PCO/CO come through towards the end of the contract scope of work that you think is going to exceed the amount remaining in your contract balance you should check your contract to see what the balance is.

  1. Go to the Project
  2. Go to the Cost Module – Commitments
  3. Look at the Remaining Balance on the Commitment Line that you would like to write a credit PCO/CO to.
  4. If there is a Remaining Balance for more than you want to write a credit PCO/CO for, you can proceed with writing the PCO/CO.
  5. If there is a $0 in the Remaining Balance of a contract that you are trying a process a NEGATIVE/CREDIT PCO/CO you need to reach out to Jess and Michelle ASAP for further instructions.
  6. Jessica and Michelle will need to work with the PL and Contractor to make the necessary e-Builder adjustments prior to the PCO/CO being processed.

Below is an example of a commitment with a $0 remaining balance with remaining retainage:

Retainage Reduction

We have also provide a report that will list all projects with a Contract balance of $0 with Remaining Retainage:

PCO Hold for CO Step

  • When processing a PCO, PL’s should not “Complete” the process after you “Accept PCO.”  It needs to stay in the “HOLD for CO” step.
  • The process instance is held in “HOLD for CO” step while waiting to be attached to a Change Order process and while the Change Order process is routing. The PCO will automatically “Complete” changing the status to Finish after the Change Order is Approved.
  • During this step, the process is remains in the PSU Project Leaders court until the Change Order is fully executed.  If there is an issue with the Change Order and the PCO needs to be updated during the Change Order process, the PCO can be adjusted by the Project Leader if needed.

Common Change Order Error

You may see this common error (PL Resolve Error) when you send though a Change Order, What does it mean?:


This error means that one or more of the attached PCO’s are not in the “Hold for CO” step.  Simply wait until all attached PCO’s are in the “Hold for CO” step then you can Resubmit the process.Attached PCO's

Track PCO’s Attached to a CO

This report can be used to track which Potential Change Order (PCO) is attached to a Change Order (CO).

The PCOs Group by Change Order report is located in the Change Order section of the Report Module.

PCOs grouped by CO Report

Once you select the report, you will be prompted to select a project.

PCOs grouped by CO Report Results.gif

If there are any PCO’s that are NOT attached to a CO, they will appear at the top of the report.

PCOs not attached to COs Report example

Below this section begins the list of CO’s with a list of PCO’s that are attached to the CO’s.

PCOs attached to COs report example

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