This tips and tricks is about utilizing the CTRL key in e-Builder.

The CTRL Key on your keyboard is your friend in e-Builder.  It can save you time and also allows you to open things without losing focus on where you’re at. Anything that you can normally click on, you can also use your CTRL key to click and open in a new page.

Here are a few examples of using your CTRL:

  • Hold your CTRL key and click on a tab, this will open the tab in a new page (notice in this example, I held my CTRL key and clicked on the Home tab.  The Home screen opens on a new browser tab at the top of your screen):

CTRL Key Utilization

  • Hold your CRTL key and click on a link:
    • A link can be an actual URL (notice in this example, I held my CTRL key and clicked on the training website.  The website opens on a new browser tab at the top of your screen):

CTRL Key Utilization

  •  A link can be anything in blue, such as a Project name or Process name
    1. If you hold your CTRL key and click on the project name (red) from your home screen, a new tab will open called Project Process which will open the Processes tab for that project.
    2. If you hold your CTRL key and click on the process instance name (purple) from your home screen, a new tab will open called Instance Details which will open that particular process instance.

CTRL Key Utilization

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