Environmental Regulatory Compliance Checklist (ERCC)

The OPP Environmental Regulatory Compliance Checklist is a required FORM in e-Builder that must be filled out by the Designer and attached to the Design Review Process during their step.  It is a required form to be submitted at least once for every project.  Please reference page 3 of the Design Review User Manual below.


TIPS & TRICKS:  Click here to view all tips and tricks for this process.

Additional Information:

This checklist is provided to assist regulatory compliance concerning environmental issues associated with a project. The Design Professional shall complete the checklist and is responsible for accurately understanding the scope of work when completing this form. The Design Professional will determine what materials and/or conditions exist that may require regulatory compliance for this project. This form is provided to assist the Professional with Article 2.1 Compliance of the Form of Agreement 1-P and 1-DB. Should the proposed project include activities described in this form, additional considerations will likely be required. The checklist is to be completed by the Design Professional near the beginning of the project once the project scope is understood and at the very least, when a final design is ready to bid. The checklist should be revisited upon changes to project scope. It is to the projects benefit to identify items on the checklist as soon as possible so that requirements (and consequent deadlines) can be incorporated early in the design process. The PSU Project Leader will provide points of contact for design regulatory requirements, so that the Design Professional can coordinate compliance requirements for the project construction.

  • OPP Project Leaders are reminded to make sure the Designer completed/attached the ERCC process to the Design Review
  • Completed Environment Compliance Checklists are sent as a notification to members of Engineering Services and EHS.

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