Because Good Planets are Hard to Find – Eco Action 1989-1990


1989 Earth Day CFC Protest 

Eco Action marched in New York City to demand the stop of the production of CFCs on Earth Day in 1989.

“Citizens in the United States and around the world demand that corporations drastically reduce the production of greenhouse gasses, including a halt in the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)–deadly chemicals that are destroying the earth’s protective ozone shield, and contributing to the greenhouse effect which threatens all life on earth.” ~ 1989 Eco Action Poster

Official PSU Recycling Program Begins

Pennsylvania state law mandated that all schools, colleges, and universities have recycling programs by 1990, so Penn State phased in their recycling program in the fall of 1989. This ended the volunteer Eco Action recycling program.

“This is an opportunity for Penn State to provide leadership and show that we are concerned about the future of our environment.” ~ James Wagner, associate vice president for business and operations

Climate Change Awareness Continues

In collaboration with the Union of Concerned Scientists, Eco Action held a Global Warming awareness week from November 6-12, 1989. Dave Forman, the Co-Founder of Earth First, spoke in the HUB ballroom to a crowd of 400. Eco Action student’s also preformed “street theater” and handed out pamphlets about global warming.

“It is time to stop waffling so much. The evidence is pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is here” ~ James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Eco Action Protests Radioactive Dump

Eco Action protested in front of Boucke Building agains dumping radioactive waste from nuclear power in Pennsylvania.

“Hell no, We don’t glow!”

1990 Earth Day

The PA House of Representatives congratulated Penn State Eco Action on their 20th anniversary on Earth Day 1990. At the the time we had over 400 members.

The House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is pleased to recognize Eco-Action on its celebration of Earth Day 1990; praises its tireless commitment to preserving and protecting the environment; offers best wishes for continued growth and dedication to sustainable living.

The Eco Action held a 1990 Earth Day Celebration at the HUB. There were many films and speakers, including a Birds of Prey Show by Shaver’s Creek Raptor Rehabilitation Program with live birds of prey. There was also a skit of the Lorax and an Earth Cake 6 feet in diameter for everyone to share.

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