Kick-Off Meeting

Hey Eco-Action!

Thank you to everyone who came to our first meeting! We are excited to get to know all of you and hope to get you involved on campus and in our community. Hope you enjoyed the ice cream 🙂

For those of you who couldn’t make it, don’t worry! Our next meeting will be on Wednesday (September 6) at Webster’s Bookstore Cafe from 6-7pm. This meeting will be focused on environmental education and personal connections with natu! re. Hope to see you there!

Want to stay up to date on what all is happening in Eco-Action? Follow our social media on Facebook, Instagram, and GroupMe!!

Facebook: Penn State Eco Action

Instagram: @psu_ecoaction

GroupMe: Send your phone number to if you are interested in joining!

Upcoming Events

  • Eco-Action and the College Dems are hosting a social this Friday ! ;(September 1) @ 10 PM! Come hang out and get to meet some great people in the clubs! The location will be given on on GroupMe, so stay posted!
  • Eco-Action is going to Crickfest in Coburn, PA this Sunday (September 3)! We will arrange a carpool and leave around 10:30 and return no later than 4pm. There will be local food, music, and activi! ties involving the community! Interested? Sign up using this link:
  • Labor Day Mt. Nittany Hike  – Text Maddy (8144702754) i! f you are interested in going on a short hike up Mt. Nittany on Labor d! ay! (She’s totally down to go somewhere else if anyone wants to go on a longer hike.)
  • Hurricane Harvey: Eco Action is working in partnership with the Penn State NAACP, UNICEF Penn State, and Penn State IFC to collection donations to send to Huston. We are collecting pillowsblanketstowels, and toiletries in the PRCC lobby. We are also collecting funds for shipping costs at this site: 
  • The Sierra Club is having an information meeting about the Toll Brothers Protest on Tuesday, September 5th from 7:30 – 9pm. If you are interested in getting up-to-date on this local issue about protecting our drinking water in State College, check out this website for more information:


  • The Student Farm is hosting a Harvest Festival! It is being held on Thursday (September 7) from 5:30 – 7:30 at the Student Farm just off campus. Check out the free buses from campus to the farm. Come join us and enjoy live music, food, and meet the people who make the Student Farm possible.
  • Dr. Janet Swim is looking for a research assistant in her lab dealing with Sustainable Psychology! If you are interested, or want more information, check out the flyer attached here: Fall 2017 Swim lab recruitment-tdnjif

Thanks everyone! Stay GREEN 🙂
