Monthly Archives: November 2016
Signs of Fall 12: Our Other Best Friend
People have very strong opinions about cats, and in my experience the numbers of people who have positive feelings about cats far outnumber those who have negative feelings about them. The interesting thing about these likes and dislikes, though, is … Continue reading
Signs of Fall 11: Our Best Friends!
I have wanted to write about dogs for quite a while. I am, very definitely, a “dog person,” and I go out of way to interact with dogs anywhere I might meet them. I have had over all of my … Continue reading
Signs of Fall 10: Return to Todd Sanctuary
It was Sunday morning, one day past the Ides of October. It was cloudy but already almost seventy degrees. It was a perfect day to go for a mid-Fall hike. We wanted to get away from the broad, rails-to-trails pathways … Continue reading
Signs of Fall 9: Time is Honey
The title of this week’s post is taken from Bernd Heinrich’s remarkable book Bumblebee Economics (full quote: “to a bee, time is honey”). I was reminded of this quote when I read an article published a few weeks ago (Oct … Continue reading