Monthly Archives: April 2019
Signs of Spring 8: Nests
(Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog!) Over the past five years Deborah and I have gotten very familiar with many types of birds’ nests. Working with the Cavity Nesting Team at Harrison Hills Park we … Continue reading
Signs of Spring 7: The Cicadas Are Coming!
(Click here for an audio version of this blog!) Every seventeen years the quiet parks and forests of Western Pennsylvania explode with sound. Over a four or five week period in May and June periodical cicadas (also called “seventeen year … Continue reading
Signs of Spring 6: Mourning Cloaks, Commas and Spring Azures!
(Click here for an audio version of this blog!) Last spring (Signs of Spring 3, March 15, 2018) I talked about the evolution of the Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). Fossilized lepidopteran wing scales have been dated to over 200 million … Continue reading
Signs of Spring 5: Early Spring on Rock Furnace Trail
(Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog!) Deborah and I went down to the Rock Furnace trail last Saturday around noon. It was cloudy but warm (65 degrees) and quite humid. The weather forecast was for … Continue reading