Monthly Archives: February 2021

Signs of Winter 13: Sandhill Cranes!

(Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog!) A few mornings ago while I was enjoying my second cup of coffee, the announcer on the radio reminded everyone of a coming, spectacular, natural event: in the next … Continue reading

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Signs of Winter 12: Our Weather: Cyclones and the Cold!

(Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog!) I was reading a short article in Wikipedia about the climate here in Greeley when I can across this passage, “Extratropical cyclones which disrupt the weather for the eastern … Continue reading

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Signs of Winter 11: Rocky Mountain Maple!

(Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog!) From my “sit spot” at my writing desk in my old house in Pennsylvania, I could look out the window and study a young, spindly, black oak, pole tree. … Continue reading

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Signs of Winter 10: Great Backyard Bird Count 2021!

(Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog!) Starting next Friday (February 12th) and running until the next Monday (February 15) the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, the National Audubon Society and  Birds Studies Canada are sponsoring their … Continue reading

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