Monthly Archives: May 2022

Signs of Summer 2: Birds and Windows (Part 1)!

(Click on the link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Bird and windows part 1 A 2019 study estimated that there are 7.2 billion birds in the United States and Canada. This is a large number, … Continue reading

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Signs of Summer 1: The Active Grandparent Hypothesis!

(Click on this link to listen to an audio version of this blog …Active grandparent hypothesis There is no doubt that physical activity (i.e. “exercise”) is good for your health. This is true throughout life but seems to be particularly … Continue reading

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Signs of Spring 9: The Backyard Fox Squirrels!

(Click on this link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Backyard Fox Squirrels I have a backyard full of fox squirrels that are great fun to watch. I have written about them several times in my … Continue reading

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