Monthly Archives: August 2022

Signs of Summer 15: Robin Nestlings in the Yard!

(To listen to an audio version of this blog, please click on the following link …Robin Nestlings in the Yard A few weeks ago Deborah, Ari and I were out in our backyard. I was watering the garden and Deborah … Continue reading

Posted in Bill's Notes | 2 Comments

Signs of Summer 14: Our Yard (Two Years On) (Part 4) Unintended Plants!

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Our Yard part 4 When we moved into our Greeley house in late July, 2020 there were several tiny flowering plants primarily growing out from … Continue reading

Posted in Bill's Notes | 2 Comments

Signs of Summer 13: Our Yard (Two Years On) (Part 3)

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … My yard part 3 Continuing with the ”intended components” of our yard. These are the plants we purchased from the High Plains Environmental Center (Loveland, … Continue reading

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Signs of Summer 12: Our Yard (Two Years On) (Part 2)

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … My yard part 2 Deborah and I wanted the yard of our new house to support three things: 1. a place for our grandson, Ari, … Continue reading

Posted in Bill's Notes | 1 Comment