Monthly Archives: May 2024

Signs of Summer 13: Earwigs!

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Earwigs I have to admit, like most people, I have given earwigs very little thought. I mean their name “earwig” has led to some off-the-wall … Continue reading

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Signs of Spring 12: Ecology of Nut Trees (Part 2)!

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Ecology of nut trees Part 2 Pecans are the sixth-most abundant dietary nut in the world. In 2022/2023, 0.164 million metric tons of pecans were … Continue reading

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Signs of Spring 11: Ecology of Nut Trees (Part 1)!

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog …. Ecology of nut trees Part 1 Looking at tree nuts (and peanuts) it’s important to recognize that growing these crops, like growing any crop, requires … Continue reading

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Signs of Spring 10: Dietary Nuts and the Ecology of Nut Trees!

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Dietary nuts and seeds Including nuts as a part of a healthy diet is an idea strongly supported by nutrition scientists.  In 2003 the “Food … Continue reading

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Signs of Spring 9: The Cicadas are Coming (Again)!

(Click on the following link to listen to an audio version of this blog … Cicadas are coming This has been a Spring of spectacular events. First we had a total solar eclipse (on April 8) that stretched from western … Continue reading

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