Penn State University recently announced their 2014 Student Homecoming Court comprised of PSU seniors. We’re happy to announce that Brenden Dooley, an Economics and Political Science major, has been named a member of this year’s court.
Brenden Dooley is from Allentown, PA and majoring in Economics & Political Science. He is the 30th member of his family to attend Penn State. He attended football games, different camps, and family functions up at University Park for years. Brenden fell in love with the family atmosphere, the iconic views of Mt. Nittany, and the pride that goes into being a Penn Stater. When Brenden was a little boy he wanted to be a professional basketball player or a fighter pilot. He thought they were the true rock stars since what they did wasn’t staged. Brenden’s autobiography of his life would be entitled “Dooley Noted.” After graduation he would ultimately like to continue working in the field of economics, specifically in industrial organization in Washington, DC and work for the Federal Trade Commission. Brenden’s celebrity crush: Emma Watson.