Tag Archives: Group 2 curation

Group 2 Blog Curation

In group 2, we had some very interesting posts and discussions this week!

Melissa, Hannah, and Justin found the table linking Web 2.0 tools with cognitive tasks helpful and informative.  One of the major themes of the posts was how Web 2.0 tools could allow for collaboration and through feedback with others, students can do more than through using a tool on their own.   For example, both Erika and Melissa commented on how blogs can allow students to reflect on their learning by looking back at their previous posts.  Melissa felt that using RSS feeds from blogs (or using other social media) allowed for better mobile or ubiquitous learning.  Justin discussed his use of Google Docs in a course this past semester and how that tool allowed students to have better self evaluation and feedback from their peers.  Erika pointed out that collaborative tools allow for a cycle of feedback, which can continue indefinitely.

Both Melissa and Justin discussed the significance of the tagging example on pages 358-359.  Justin was excited by the international collaboration in the tagging exercise and how this encouraged self-regulatory behaviors in the students.  Melissa described a potential application of tagging for her courses using Pinterest.

Many of the group members commented on the helpfulness of the recommendations at the end of the chapter, including Hannah who felt that it was important to choose the appropriate technology for the particular lesson as opposed to using a tool because it is available.  Melissa was encouraged by the recommendation to start small, instead of trying to implement too many tools at once.  Erika felt that motivating students is often very difficult, but by using Web 2.0 tools, students are motivated by sharing their ideas with real audiences and their peers.  In that way, they can seek feedback from many, instead of simply by their teacher.

While Hannah noted that the simplicity of using many Web 2.0 tools has allowed instructors to become producers of web content, it is important that instructors chose tools that engage students.  As she said, instructors must “engage WITH the students through these tools and we have to develop a curriculum that reinforces the power of the tool”.

There were so many interesting blog posts this week.  Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!