Seven Deadly Sins

Yet another anime with fighting in it. Big surprise. This anime relates to Dragon Ball Z in the sense that they both have power levels. While the power levels in the later soon become irrelevant, the power levels in this anime stick around for a bit longer. Nakaba Suzuki makes this anime.

Image result for seven deadly sins

Source: Amazon


The Seven Deadly Sins were once a group of active knights in the region of Britannia, who had disbanded after they supposedly plotted to overthrow the Liones Kingdom. Rumor had it that a group of holy knights defeated them, but it was also rumored that they were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights had staged a coup d’état and captured the king, which had made them the new, tyrannical rulers of the kingdom. One of the princesses, Elizabeth, then goe on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins to help take back the kingdom. They then fight the Ten Commandments, in which Meliodas is revealed to be the Demon King’s cursed son.

The Battles

There are a lot of great fights in this anime, and my personal favorites are whenever Escanor is fighting because he starts out as a scrawny guy. When he then reveals that he is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the sin of pride, he transforms into a massive, muscular guy and wields his one-handed ax that is so heavy that when someone tried to pick it up with two hands, it didn’t budge.

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Source: tenor

As the sin of pride, he is a cocky guy. As you can see from the image above, he basically wields the power of the sun. One of my favorite battles of his is when he fights Meliodas when he is revealed to be the leader of the Ten Commandments. At first, he dominates Escanor, but that is before the clock hits noon. The power levels are still making sense at this point, with Escanor having a max power level of one-hundred fourteen thousand and Meliodas having a power level of one-hundred and forty-two thousand. Escanor is trying his hardest to win against him with all of this moves when his strength increases with the light of day. He reveals his form that is called “The One,” which is supposedly unstoppable. This form changes his body and his voice to that of a deity, and Meliodas is now no match for him.

What I Like About This Anime

Unlike Dragon Ball Z, this anime deserves some credit with sticking with a relative power level system. Even when a demon and a god are fighting, they still have power levels that can be described in numbers. This gives the viewer an accurate description and scale of the battles taking place. Power levels don’t even exist anymore in the Dragon Ball Z universe because some of the characters have surpassed time itself.

Who Will Enjoy This Anime

This anime is actually quite suitable for all ages. While there are blood and weapons, it is elementary in its violence. I would say that anyone in middle school and up can enjoy this anime to its fullest. Go watch it on for a great experience!

One thought on “Seven Deadly Sins

  1. It’s really unfortunate to see so much hype stuff occur in the manga, up until the face off with the demon king, but see a relatively mild anime adaptation of these hype instances through the newly adapted season 4. The animation quality is definitely lacking in respect to previous seasons, and I feel like at this point it is more of a cash grab than a passionate adaptation. There were a lot of warranted hype moments, but somehow the studio failed to deliver upon the levels expected by the fanbase.

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