Corpse Party

If you like blood and gore, this is the anime for you. This is quite possibly one of the most terrifying anime I have watched, and there are some scenes that I have to look away from. I will keep this blog friendly to a certain extent, though. You have been warned. Corpse Party is made by TeamGrisGris.

Image result for corpse party anime

Source: BNP

This anime is adapted from the video game, Corpse Party, and the game is actually much more terrifying than the anime. The characters consist of eight-grade school children and their teacher. One of the students, Satoshi, has a little sister named Yuka, and she arrives at their school at night when they are all there, telling scary stories around a candle. At the end of their stories, they have a paper figure shaped like a human, and all grab on tightly while chanting a friendship chant because one of their classmates is moving away. They then all pull to tear it into nine pieces. Immediately after this, an earthquake happens, and the floor suddenly falls apart, and they all fall through, passing out.

The main point of why everything is happening is because previously, a murder occurred where the teacher had murdered his students with a pair of scissors, hence the gore of the anime. People literally get stabbed on screen without any censoring. The students that were killed are trapped in the school like some sort of purgatory and are trying to kill the present students. The current students must get the tongues of the murdered students to release their souls. Right away, one of the students hangs themselves in the bathroom because they did not want to end up in that place forever. Everyone eventually loses their sanity and starts killing each other if they stay there.

The absolute worst scene in this anime is when there is a flashback of the students getting their tongues cut off with scissors. One of the students even gets their entire head cut in half. That part is censored because that is way too much for anyone to handle. The animators really know how to get people to look away from the screen.

Image result for corpse party anime

Source: Pinterest

The main evil spirit is the little girl above. The lore is kind of fuzzy, but she definitely has the most kills on her record. Her kills aren’t the cleanest, either. Sometimes I regret having watched this anime because this is quite literally the definition of nightmare fuel. Some of the students even get out of the world but decide to go back in to save the rest of their friends. One of them did not want to go at first, and he ends up being the one that dies to protect the other one that went in.

To conclude this gruesome blog, I would say that this anime is for adult audiences only. I even sometimes get worried in a dark room alone from watching this anime. Different from the others, I watched this whole series on Youtube, being only four episodes long. Watch at your own risk.

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