Obama is Taking the First Steps in Prison Reform

Obama is finally acting on his promise to close Guantanamo Bay Prison, which is said he would do when he first signed into office. On Tuesday Obama put forth a plan to Congress where he called for the deportation or transfer of the remaining prisoners currently located in Guantanamo Bay.

Guantanamo Bay stands as a symbol for the lapse in judgement in the prison system that our country has seen throughout its history. Not only does it serve as a symbol of injustice but it also represents the inaction of our governmental bodies when this injustice was going on. The closing down of Guantanamo Bay will be the beginning steps to prison reform in our country. This is a very big deal for our country and shows the progress that our government is making in terms of taking action on what it has been saying it is going to do for so many years.

This is an important reform in our history and there will be a lot of media coverage of it. I am sure that Obama has been prepped for press conferences, interviews and any other form of public speaking when commenting on the reform. Additionally, I am sure that there will be full media coverage of the official closing of Guantanamo Bay because of how much history there is at this prison.

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