SuperNote Review

SuperNote IconSuperNote

Reviewed by : Erika Jones

Details: Clear Sky Apps LTD, March 17, 2014/version 4.1, iOS

Cost: Free

Apple categorizes this application as a productivity tool, which is a very apt description. It allows the user to take notes via text, audio, or images. Users can categorize and color code their notes and memos to their liking. Lastly, you can share your notes via  e-mail, Dropbox, or create a web link.

This app can be used as a journaling tool for students. For example, a study abroad student can use this app to take notes, audio, and images of their experience. These notes can be shared with their advisor via the options previously mentioned. Granted there are better tools, such as Instagram or Twitter, but it is a decent option if the instructor is trying to steer clear from social media. One might want to consider installing SuperNote Pro (available for $2.99) that has unlimited notes, images, and recordings if using it for a big assignment.

SuperNote has the customization necessary to make it decent for mobile learning. It also has the flexibility  and the mobility, if one is an Apple user. This app can be used with an iPhone, iPod Touch, or an iPad. Lastly, it gives the opportunity for the student to become a creative learner, as opposed to a passive learner if given a journaling assignment or something similar. They have the control to recreate their experience, using images, text, and photos.

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