Was the Moon Landing Real?

Can you tell if someone’s lying to you? Are you such an expert in Photoshop that you can tell when a photo has been altered? Did you work for NASA in late 60s and early 70s? If you answered no to any of these questions then you can’t dispute the idea that the moon landing could’ve been faked. The American Government has a history of lying to it’s citizens and therefore, has become an expert liar. It is noted in history that on July 20, 1969, the first man stepped foot on the moon. Being able to achieve this objective wasn’t simple, or, by any means cheap, but, the actual accomplishment wasn’t one to be ignored. Which is exactly why the first moon landing could be to good to be true.

Let explore some historical context to clarify why this could be a fabrication. Around forty years ago, America was in the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. America was pro-capitalism while the Soviet Union was pro-communism pinning the two sides against each other. The Cold War isn’t considered an actual war rather the two sides supported the opposite sides of other conflicts to increase the popularity of their ideals, for example, the Cuban Missile Crisis. This was an apprehensive thirteen day standoff in October 1962, where the Soviet Union was attempting to install missile in Cuba. The US then blockaded Cuba and the Soviet Union agreed to remove their missiles from Cuba if the US did so in Turkey and abstained from invading Cuba. However, this was just a small portion of a very tense conflict which leads us to the Space Race. This was another tense conflict that the Soviet Union was winning. They had already successfully sent a man  into orbit before us and it was only a matter of time before they sent a man to moon.

This worried the American Government which could’ve lead them to take drastic measures; faking the moon landing. While it’s not scientifically proven that the first moon landing was fake there’s undoubtedly some questionable evidence.  The first, and the main reason why many people think the moon landing is fake, is the video of the flag moving like there’s wind.Even though, the movement is very minimal, the flag still appears to have movement like it’s still on Earth, or, more specifically, a studio set. This calls into question other parts of the moon landing. Many question the shadows that appear to be going in different directions. If the photos and videos were real then wouldn’t the shadows only face only direction because the only light source is the sun? Another reason is the fact that there were a meager amount of artifacts brought back from the moon, in fact, NASA had even lost some of the moon rocks brought back by Apollo 13 . Many believe that this was a coverup to explain why NASA couldn’t let the public examine the rocks and why there’s only  few. However, the biggest reason why many, even the scientific community, believe the moon landing was fake is because of the Van Allen belt. This is an enormous band of radiation surrounding Earth that is held together by Earth’s magnetic field. Being exposed to this belt for an extended amount of time can cause radiation sickness, which none of the astronauts have reported having. This calls into question whether they actually passed through the belt.

Overall, the validity of the moon landing is still in question but so are the arguments against it. The combination of history and doubtful evidence forces many to believe that the moon landing was fake. However, even if you don’t believe the moon landing was faked it still can cause you to question other parts of your life you considered fact before.

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