Green Mamba in particular time

Hello Everyone.

Because of this particular time, our group Green Mamba can’t meet together to have communication. However, this can’t stop us to talk to each other. By constantly searching on the Internet and online communication we know a lot of information about deforestation. Through this part of the time, we consulted many online materials and academic articles and learn some knowledge about the causes and consequences of deforestation. And how can we solve those problems. During the presentation, we can let everybody know the present situation of deforestation in the United States. Include the various causes and solutions for this situation. In this PPT, we hope that we can truly value the consequences of deforestation. And then hopefully more people will come together to solve the problem and bring a better environment to Earth. Welcome to our PowerPoint presentation. I believe you can learn many pieces of knowledge about deforestation. Beyond that, we have created a research paper to let you learn more specifically about deforestation. We will also have a post about the research paper.

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  1. Nice work manging to still stay in touch and complete what you could of the project, without seeing each other face to face. Great teamwork all around for you guys.

  2. Communication is definitely key. It’s nice to see things are well for you guys during these sad times.

  3. Definitely will be giving your presentation a look. I don’t know much about the deforestation problem in the U.S. but, I know it effects my topic (bee population decline) so I want to learn more!

  4. Nicholas Gravinese

    My group also found alternative ways to communicate while being at home. Glad to see everyone is working hard on thier projects!

  5. This is awesome! I can’t wait to view the presentation you made to learn about a topic that I did not know much about. I have gained a lot of knowledge during this course and project and I am looking forward to seeing your presentation on deforestation

  6. It’s great to see your team is still communication and still aware about the problem and continuing to find more information about the issue. I will have to look at your presentation to gain some knowledge about the topic.

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