Our teams work during this global crisis

Obviously, with the closing of schools and workplaces all over the world, we as a group have not been able to meet and pursue our goal of educating mostly children of reading on the importance of the three “R’s”. With the switch to online classes, our group has focused on the written report issue of illegal dumping that is a problem all over the world. We have had zoom meetings online and have researched a lot about illegal dumping like how it is extremely harmful to our environment, especially when things with chemicals aren’t disposed of properly. We have worked online and stayed socially distant from each other and the public while doing all this, to help stop the spread and for everyone’s safety.

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  1. Nicholas Gravinese

    My group also faced the issue of not being able to go out and do the actions that were originally planned for the EACAP project. Glad to see this group is woring hard!

  2. My group also focused on something similar! In our written report and presentation, we focused on solid waste. It was really sad to see some of the affects improperly disposing of waste has on the environment. Thankfully though, we were able to research a lot of solutions to help prevent people from littering. I’m sure your team found some too!

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