Environmental impact of Meat Production

Our research component focused on meat production on the environment and we found out some important information. If all grain were fed to humans instead of animals, we could feed an extra 3.5 billion people. That’s a lot of people. You might be someone who eat meat daily but do you realize what is going on to the environment and behind the scenes? Did you know that meat production has been affecting our whole world since the 1890s? Below is a link to an article that we found interesting about ways that meat production. Check it out!




As you may or may not be aware, as Tree Huggers, we take the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) very seriously. We want to let you know to make sure you don’t forget about the environment during these hard times. Try not to leave the water running as you are brushing your teeth. Turn it off until it’s actually needed. Is that charger plugged up but not connected to a device? Just take it out until you need to use it. Need a break from home? No need to drive around, just take a nice walk around your neighborhood following all safety precautions. Recycling is always important and you can use this time to prioritize it. That extra paper that is printed one sided sitting on that table, could be used as scrap paper orĀ  space for small notes.

Use this time during quarantine to appreciate what you have. Most importantly, make sure you’re checking on your loved ones and stay healthy and safe. We hope to be able to start engaging with the environment once this is all over.

-Leola Meristil

Pandemic affects Tree Huggers

We had four game ideas for our service component but due to the pandemic we weren’t able to go through with them. For all of our game ideas, we focused on the the R’S (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) One of one of our ideas was a creative bingo game. Everyone enjoys a nice competitive game of bingo especially one with a twist. We had creative ideas up our sleeves and were disappointed that we weren’t able to go through with them.


-Leola Meristil

EACAP wrap up

Hello, it is Karim, Nick, Tiger, and Dylan one last time and even though we were not able to do a lot of the service part at all, we had fun working as a group while we could. The only thing we were able to do was to make signs but were never able to put them up as we wanted. We did lots of research on the types of pollution and waste that are effecting the river and a trail on a daily basis. We just wanted to thank everyone as well as the organization that offered the opportunity to make the community a better place as well as all of our classmates that made this semester fun while it lasted!

Research Post #2

In 2015, the Schuylkill River Trail was voted best urban trail within the US because of the volunteers that come in and adopt the trail and help maintain it for the community. However, there is a lot of evidence of human waste that includes, water bottles, paper waste, and other human accessories. Things like bottles can take decades to degrade back into the Earth and can cause lots of harm to wildlife and even humans if these waste seeps into the water supply of thousands of people within the community. It is our responsibility to take action and keep places like this trail safe and open for public entertainment and safety.

Research Post #1

When it comes to researching things about the trail and the river, we looked heavily on the website Schuylkill River Greenways because it provided us with things like river health and the main things that are causing harm to the river. These things include agriculture runoff, stormwater runoff, and even abandoned mine drainage.

First of all, stormwater hits impermeable surfaces like roads, parking lots, and sidewalks which let pollution roll with the water and eventually finds its way into the river that supports our community as well as another 75 miles of river and trail.

Next, the agricultural runoff comes from things like farms and irrigation which allows things like pesticides and other chemicals to leak into the water and harm wildlife and even humans.

Lastly, when it comes to mine drainage, things like coal and other products of mining often leak into the water resource and can cause lots of harm to wildlife and the people around us.

ECAP Wrap Up

As we wrap up the course we finished our slide show that was narrated by each of the team members. Initially, the plan was to give a speech in front of the class about the things we learned throughout the course and through our hands-on projects, but instead, we had to do a PowerPoint that was narrated. We actually found the PowerPoint to be pretty easy to share with each other through google slides and we were all able to update it simultaneously. Overall we loved this class and learned a ton and enjoyed the hands-on portion, even more, we would highly recommend it to any students interested in the environment.

ECAP Research

Since the switch to zoom, our team has been communicating through text and using google docs and google slides to keep each other updated on our progress. The project had to be modified, and in turn, we had to change our approach up slightly for the research paper. We divided the paper up into sections for each team member to complete and using google docs it worked very well, we were able to see live updates of what the other team members were thinking and what work they have done so far.

Green Mamba in particular time

Hello Everyone.

Because of this particular time, our group Green Mamba canā€™t meet together to have communication. However, this canā€™t stop us to talk to each other. By constantly searching on the Internet and online communication we know a lot of information about deforestation. Through this part of the time, we consulted many online materials and academic articles and learn some knowledge about the causes and consequences of deforestation. And how can we solve those problems. During the presentation, we can let everybody know the present situation of deforestation in the United States. Include the various causes and solutions for this situation. In this PPT, we hope that we can truly value the consequences of deforestation. And then hopefully more people will come together to solve the problem and bring a better environment to Earth. Welcome to our PowerPoint presentation. I believe you can learn many pieces of knowledge about deforestation. Beyond that, we have created a research paper to let you learn more specifically about deforestation. We will also have a post about the research paper.

Our teams work during this global crisis

Obviously, with the closing of schools and workplaces all over the world, we as a group have not been able to meet and pursue our goal of educating mostly children of reading on the importance of the three “R’s”. With the switch to online classes, our group has focused on the written report issue of illegal dumping that is a problem all over the world. We have had zoom meetings online and have researched a lot about illegal dumping like how it is extremely harmful to our environment, especially when things with chemicals aren’t disposed of properly. We have worked online and stayed socially distant from each other and the public while doing all this, to help stop the spread and for everyone’s safety.