The Breakup of Team Facts 😭

Whats up guys, its Team Facts checking in for the last time this year. We have finished the project and we can not explain how much fun we had. Spreading awareness about coral reefs was something that we all found important and eye opening. We wish we could’ve volunteered our time to the city of Reading by planting trees.  Team Facts officially ends today, but the legacy lives on forever!!!


(Kate didn’t make it in time for the pic, so here’s a cropped version 😷)

Don’t Let Them Disapear

Black Rhinos, Amur Leopards, Sunda Tigers, and many more species are at the brink of extinction. Team “Environmental M.A.R.C.” members dove right into the issue of Endangered species and the loss of biodiversity. One member of the team researched what is the issue? another researched the solutions and consequences and the other two researched the causes and the issues today. After a lot of research it was determined that 99% of threatened species are at risk because of human activities alone and by the early 21st century human beings will become the greatest threat to biodiversity. The main causes are habitat destruction, unsustainable hunting, and the influences of chemical pollution. So what can you do to help this problem? The number one way to help is to become educated on endangered species around your stomping grounds. The next biggest factor to help is to recycle and buy sustainable products, this will help by controlling the amount of pollution around the world. So next time you throw a plastic bottle away just think of the Rhinos, Tigers, and Turtles you are affecting by not recycling.


Collin Hall

April 27th, 2020

Finishing Up Our EACAP Project

Hi everyone! Throughout this quarantine, my group, the EcoWarriors have been hard at work researching solid waste issues and littering. We completed our presentation and discussed some of the most important causes, problems, and solutions regarding littering. In our presentation, we also explained some of the legal consequences that can result if you are caught littering, as well as a recent new story about a study done on Pennsylvania roadways about the most common types of litter. If anyone is interested in looking at, or listening to our project, it is listed under the “EACAP Presentations” module on Canvas and named “Faith, Jacob, Matt.” Like many of the other teams, we are working to turn our research into essay format. We are looking forward to getting all of our research together and submitting our final EACAP component!! Stay safe everyone!

Our product about the service

After the meeting, we spent much time deciding what our product is. We needed to consider that this product should conclude a country’s culture and environmental science. We searched a lot of contries different culture and the product’s materials could be recycle. Finally, we dicided to do lamps ( or we can call lantern) which is used in Chinese New Year, and we can make lanterns by using waste products, such as waste bottles. In March, we picked some materials on the Internet. Children can use every waste thing to decorate their own lamps.

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BWB’s guide to an exciting Science Night activity in Glenside Elementary School

Our group met the activity holder to discusse about what we gonna do during the so called Science Night activity. She told us to have an activity concerning science, Fiesta, and bring celebration across cluture science into it. Therefore, my group made a decision to make lamps with those little kids in the Glenside School. We will let children to draw whatever they want on the lamps, and we will tutor and help them to finish it. And for the material, we will have plastic bottle to make lamps. Plastic can be recycle, and everybody should consume them and they can keep it whne they come to the Science Night to make their own lamps.

Our Presentation is Complete

Good afternoon everyone!

We have some good news about our EACAP Project. Today we have completed our presentation and just need a few final touches on our research report. We will turn it in soon (:

On another note, although we didn’t finish our community service project I had to do something with all the water bottles we collected for our chandelier! Check it out.

What I loosely followed vs. My results

Materials needed: Candle, Plastic water bottle, scissors, paint, hot glue gun

30 Easy DIY Plastic Bottle Projects

Protect the Reefs

Hey guys, its team FACTS here and we would just like to talk about the problems occurring in the coral reefs. Currently the reefs are facing problems such as coral bleaching, pollution, overfishing, and many other issues. There are various consequences that the reefs are facing such as minimal coastal protections resulting in erosion, food sources for 850 million, the decline of the economy, slows down medical advancements due to the fact that coral has components that can be critical to changing the world of medicine. Some solutions to those problems include coral reef conservation, spreading awareness, properly disposing of trash, and donating to coral nurseries. The link below includes more information on how you can save the coral reefs.


Adopt a Coral:


Due to current situations (COVID-19), our project switched gears. Unfortunately, the Nature Minions were unable to partake in the service component.. keeping us from all the fun we would have had during our work in bee hive maintenance. Even though we were at a disadvantage from not being able to gain first-hand knowledge, we were able to adapt to the circumstances and finish our research report and presentation on “Bee Population Decline” (see attached). Overall, we were able to learn a lot about bees and how essential they are to not only us, but the whole environment as well as advance our team working efforts one zoom call at a time!

EACAP Presentation- Nature Minions Bri, Tom, Eric, Maddie