In conclusion,

Unfortunately, the component we were most looking forward to do was, the service component but the pandemic got in the way of it. We however got so much information from our research about meat production and the environment and with the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in our service planning. Overall the project did raise my awareness. There is so much that is not said in the mainstream media about things that cause harm to the environment that I learned in this course and project. My message to everyone is to use this time to learn about the environment we are living in to be able to help our future. Many thing such as climate change and other environmental issues will continue to worsen if people ignore it. Be the change you wish to see!

-Leola Meristil

Environmental impact of Meat Production

Our research component focused on meat production on the environment and we found out some important information. If all grain were fed to humans instead of animals, we could feed an extra 3.5 billion people. That’s a lot of people. You might be someone who eat meat daily but do you realize what is going on to the environment and behind the scenes? Did you know that meat production has been affecting our whole world since the 1890s? Below is a link to an article that we found interesting about ways that meat production. Check it out!



As you may or may not be aware, as Tree Huggers, we take the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) very seriously. We want to let you know to make sure you don’t forget about the environment during these hard times. Try not to leave the water running as you are brushing your teeth. Turn it off until it’s actually needed. Is that charger plugged up but not connected to a device? Just take it out until you need to use it. Need a break from home? No need to drive around, just take a nice walk around your neighborhood following all safety precautions. Recycling is always important and you can use this time to prioritize it. That extra paper that is printed one sided sitting on that table, could be used as scrap paper orĀ  space for small notes.

Use this time during quarantine to appreciate what you have. Most importantly, make sure you’re checking on your loved ones and stay healthy and safe. We hope to be able to start engaging with the environment once this is all over.

-Leola Meristil

Pandemic affects Tree Huggers

We had four game ideas for our service component but due to the pandemic we weren’t able to go through with them. For all of our game ideas, we focused on the the R’S (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) One of one of our ideas was a creative bingo game. Everyone enjoys a nice competitive game of bingo especially one with a twist. We had creative ideas up our sleeves and were disappointed that we weren’t able to go through with them.


-Leola Meristil

Tree Huggers

Leola: RHS major, first-year, likes to dance

Lexi: elementary education major, first-year, likes to play softball and cheer

Sydney: elementary education major, first-year, likes to play volleyball and to teach

Jimmy: hospitality major, first-year, likes to play volleyball

City of Reading, Public Works, Outreach and Education

Assisting with designing and planning “3 R” activities/ lessons for elementary and middle school-aged students.