Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add a Tech Tool post to the ODL website?

This FAQ is for ODL staff with admin access to this site. If you would like ODL to add a new tech tool, please contact us with your ideas.

1) Check to see if the tool is approved for Penn State use:

2) Research and collect info:

  • Tech tool name
  • One sentence overview
  • Screenshot of the tool – choose one with visual interest
  • Paragraph overview
  • Bullet points of how it’s used
  • Bullet points of benefits
  • Bullet points of considerations
  • Tutorials and Resources
  • Provide information about how faculty can access the tool. Can they just visit a Penn State website or do they need to contact us?
  • Provide name(s) of faculty using the tool and their department. Get their permission first. If none, that’s okay.

3) First, add a project category (Not post category). This will be used later for FAQ reference:

  • Go to Sites at Penn State and login with your PSU ID.
  • From the Sites Dashboard, go to EODL Dashboard.
  • On the left side menu of the EODL Dashboard, go to Projects > Categories.
  • Under Add New Category, enter the name of the tech tool.
  • Click the Add New Category Button at the bottom.

4) Next, create your post:

  • On the left side menu of the EODL Dashboard, go to Posts > Add New.
  • For the title, enter the tech tool name.
  • Under the title, click Use The Divi Builder.
  • Choose Clone Existing Page.
  • From the page menu, choose Post, Tech Tool Template.

5) Settings: Before you begin your post, look on the right-side settings area and make these changes:

  • Divi Page Settings:
    • Page Layout: Fullwidth
    • Post Title: Hide
  • Categories:
    • Uncheck “Uncategorized”
    • Check All Tech Tools
    • Check any others that apply. (Don’t add any new categories.)
  • Tags:
    • Add a tag of the tech tool name
    • Select any other tags that apply, or add tags if necessary.
  • Feature Image:
    • Click Set featured image
    • Upload screenshot you collected earlier
  • Excerpt (Below main editing area):
    • Paste in one sentence overview you collected earlier.
  • Publish (Back on right-side settings area):
    • Click Save Draft

6) How to access and save:

  • To access the content area and make edits, you’ll click on the cog wheel in the same color block as corresponding title.
  • To save edits, click on the green check mark in the lower-right of editing window.

7) What to edit:

  • Tool Name in Banner: Enter your tool name
  • Tool Summary in Banner: Replace all text with your 1-sentence overview
  • Tool Image: Click on the placeholder image and replace with the image you uploaded earlier.
  • Overview Paragraph: Replace all text with your paragraph overview.
  • How it’s used, Benefits, etc.: Replace bullets with your info (Keep titles)
  • Skip “FAQ Title”
  • FAQs – Choose Categories: Check only the name of your tech tool. Make sure nothing else is selected.
  • Skip “Last FAQ”
  • Faculty Using this Tool: Add any faculty using this tool. (Keep Title). If none, click the 3 dots to the right of the cog wheel. Choose Disable and click the 3 screen icons so they turn red in color.
  • Use and Access: Add directions on how faculty access the tool. (Keep Title)

8) Publish:

  • Click Publish for your FAQ to go live, or Save Draft to work on it later. (Or Preview to preview your post).

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

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About the Office for Digital Learning

Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.