Sample Portfolios

Need some ideas? Below are many examples of portfolios submitted to achieve PSU’s College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Communication Certificate, the forerunner to this course. The portfolios utilize three platforms, WordPress, Weebly, and Wix (the three W’s of website creation, I suppose). Some e-portfolios employ a theme or sorts (aesthetic, intellectual) while others are organized by genre of work. You may notice the categories of “Visual Rhetoric,” “Public Discourse,” “Oral,” “Academic Writing” or “Multi-media” popping up as tabs; that’s because those were explicit communication-mode requirements of the Excellence in Communications Certificate. While you are not bound to those categories for your portfolio, you may want to think about where your own work would fall in these categories, since they show off a range of discourses and skill sets.

  • Chelsie Rimel

For more examples of the Wix platform, check out sample e-portfolios from English/CAS 138T, Rhetoric and Civic Life

Penn State Rhetoric and Civic Life Student Portfolios

And for more awesomeness, check out Michigan State’s Professional Writing Program’s Alumni Portfolios

Michigan State Professional Writing Alumni Portfolios