Personal is Political Blog 10 – Sarah

For my last Personal is Political blog, I interviewed my friend Sarah from home about her heart condition she was diagnosed with in the 9th grade. While it is not a serious or life-threatening condition, it has impacted her life in some way and I wanted to hear more of her insights on this topic. 


Can you share what your diagnosis is and how it has impacted your life?

So, I was diagnosed with Supraventricular Tachycardia, which is a type of arrhythmia where my heart beats too fast sometimes. Basically, it’s not necessarily harmful to me, but sometimes it does get in the way of everyday life. Usually it happens if I’m exercising, or I have too much caffeine, or I’m really anxious. It doesn’t harm me, but it’s uncomfortable in my chest and makes me feel like I’m going to pass out. I know how to handle it now, but when it first started happening, I thought something was wrong so I was kind of scared. It also got in the way of me playing volleyball, which was hard at first.


How did you first become aware of your heart condition? 

During practice. We were doing a drill and I could feel my heart fluttering and I thought ‘wait something’s wrong’. So i went to the trainer and she took my heart rate, which was at like 190. And then it stopped after a few minutes, but yeah that was the first time it happened. 


How do you manage day-to-day activities with your heart condition? Are there any lifestyle changes you’ve had to make?

I have to limit how much caffeine I drink, but that’s about it. Since it’s not harmful, it just kind of feels bad, I don’t really change what activities I do. But, I just have to be prepared to handle it if it does happen, and just be aware of what’s going on in my body.


Have you faced any challenges or misconceptions from others about your condition? If so, how have you dealt with them?

Not really. I think I was embarrassed about it during volleyball season. Because I thought I was going to pass out, so I’d have to go to the nurse, which was embarrassing at the time. But I realize now that nobody really cares or is going to judge you about a health condition you can’t control. 


Did you have any support networks or resources that have been particularly helpful for you in coping with your condition?

When I went to the cardiologist for the first time, I was pretty nervous because I thought something could be very wrong with my hard. But once the doctors made a diagnoses, they really assured me I was going to be okay. They were definitely helpful in giving me all the information I needed and eased my nerves a lot.

1 thought on “Personal is Political Blog 10 – Sarah

  1. I enjoyed hearing Sarah’s story and I am sure it was a scary experience to be diagnosed with a heart condition. I am glad that she is able to manage it and that her doctors and friends are supporting her. I like how she mentioned that while it seemed embarrassing at first she eventually realized that nobody will judge her for this condition that she cannot control. I enjoyed getting to read your Personal is Political blogs this semester and I think the interview format turned out great!

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