Struttin’ Down Memory Lane

Alas, it is the last day of blogging. As I write this post, my eyes are brimming with tears and someone better have a carton of ice cream waiting at the end, ’cause this girl is gonna need it.

Okay, so I’m not actually crying, but the ice cream would be nice.

But seriously, as this is the last week of blogging, I figured I would get a little nostalgic and hop into a metaphorical time machine to take a look back on some of my favorite fashion moments, because fashion isn’t just about what you wearing, but what you were doing when you were wearing it!

So, without further ado, here are some of my favorite pieces of clothing and their awe-inspiring (heavy on the sarcasm) stories:

Ahh yes. The Tshirt. These four are only a small representation of the many that jam my dresser drawers, but I also find them to be the most representative of my life story (Oh yeah, we are going to go there). The first thing we can learn from this collection? I love Ryan Gosling. The second thing? I attend a mission trip every summer for an organization I am absolutely in love with, Appalachia Service Project.

Yup, obviously one of my most fashionable moments.

Yup, obviously one of my most fashionable moments.

Third thing? I freaking love country music. Which brings us to some serious reminiscing…

Eric Church Concert 2012

This was literally my favorite concert ever. When my friends and I had bought the tickets, we hadn’t actually even heard many Eric Church songs before, so as any good iTunes user does, I went home and downloaded all three of his albums. The crowd was incredible, as can be observed by the raised boot above, and the performance was top notch. I’d follow Eric across the country if I could, but unfortunately, reality keeps me from doing such.

Brad Paisley 2012

Another great night, and weekend for that matter! I saw Brad Paisley (my favorite favorite favorite artist!) in October of last year in Hershey, PA. I had to take a bus there to meet my friend, but man was it an adventure! The crowd wasn’t as good as for Eric Church, but Brad refused to disappoint with his amazing guitar skills and light show (plus, I blame the lack of crowd enthusiasm on the old people clogging up the stands)! The show was followed up by midnight breakfast and watching a country classic, Crazy Heart. Oh the memories!

And what’s been with me through both of these concerts? My trusty old cowboy boots. No cowgirl can leave home without ’em, and no tractor pullin’, fist pumpin’, voice twangin’ evening is complete if you ain’t wearin’ ’em!

Thanks for the good times, y'all

Thanks for the good times, y’all

Let’s go back to my high school career. Now, you can’t talk about my high school wardrobe without mentioning the $2.00 dress. A dress for $2.00? WHAT? Yup, that’s right. And it’s actually pretty cute!

What’s the story? One day, my friends and I decided to go hang out at the pond and follow our watery adventure with a trip to the mall. However… I seemed to have forgotten to bring actual clothes to wear to the mall… So after my friend lent me a pair of shorts and a Tshirt, I awkwardly drudged around the mall in a less than stellar outfit. And that’s when I saw it – the $2 rack! And the rest is history… This little number has been a staple in my closet since my freshman year of high school! That’s some good quality $2 fabric if I do say so myself.

But what high school career is complete without the one day where every girl gets to dress like a princess, if only for one night? Yup, we’re talkin’ about prom. *Sigh* Although it wasn’t the look I had dreamed of since I was a little girl (Cinderella-style ball gown with my long curls piled on top of my head – maybe even a glass slipper), it was absolutely me.

Check out that hair! Yes, it took 4 hours and was hard as a rock. Talk about completing a look!

Check out that hair! Yes, it took 4 hours and was hard as a rock. Talk about completing a look!



First comes prom, then comes graduation….

It's a shame this had to get covered up by a cap and gown...

It’s a shame this had to get covered up by a cap and gown…

And after graduation… Everything from your closet at home gets shoved into your new and potentially undersized closet at college!

Three very unusual, yet surprisingly very useful pieces of clothing made it with me to our Dear Old State. And I would like to introduce y’all!

Meet my red skirt. I’ve had this baby since my freshman year of high school, and honestly, it’s the best skirt I’ve ever owned. It’s super puffy, but has this magical ability to avoid Marylin Monroe reenactments when things get breezy.

As some of you may remember from last semester, I had the pleasure of meeting Tim Gunn. And guess who came with me? Good ole Red!

You can’t tell in this picture, but I am wearing the next little number I’d like to highlight. Prepare yourselves.

ER MAH GAWD. Are those CATS?!

ER MAH GAWD. Are those CATS?!

Answer? Yes. Those are cats. I got them for my 18th birthday and have never turned back. They are the perfect fashion statement for any self-respecting cat lady to rock. Although one time a janitor in my high school mistook them for camouflage and referred to them as “great huntin’ shoes.” Oh really, now?

Let’s do the time warp again! Ready for another fashion shocker?! Cat shoes + ….

This is what happens when you decide to get dressed up for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. No regrets.

Say hello to my flapper dress!

Remember that time when the tassels got hooked to that kid's backpack on the way out of lecture that one time.... Yeah, me too.

Remember when the tassels got hooked to that kid’s backpack on the way out of lecture that one time…. Yeah, me too.

To top off this post about favorite outfits, it seems fitting to reflect on the little heartwarming details that truly make my outfit and make my day – my jewelry.

This is a charm bracelet my mom got me a few years back and I’ve been adding charms ever since. Precious <3

The ring is from my grandma for my graduation and I wear it every day – she actually has a matching one! And that smokin’ hot New York necklace? Yeah, I wear that so I can fashionably rep my home-state! Plus it’s hand-made from They come in every state 😉


Seeing as this blog post has gone on for quite a while now (I just can’t let go!), I feel this is a fitting time to wrap things up. I had a great time writing this blog and having to come up with new ideas for every week has really worked my imagination muscle. I hope you all learned a little something, because I know I sure did! Just remember that style is individual and whether you are on a college campus or a catwalk, keep in mind that it is your responsibility to express yourself in whatever way you so desire.

Well… I guess I will awkwardly bid you all adieu… Let the good times roll!

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One Response to Struttin’ Down Memory Lane

  1. Christina Murdoch says:

    I absolutely adore youre fashion style!! I love your prom dress and especially your hair! I actually get the chance to go to prom again this weekend with my boyfriend, and i am so excited! i get a whole new chance at a dress and hair (although I did love my first).

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