Root Agroecology at Penn State

Grapevine roots

The Fleishman Root Agroecology Lab seeks to understand the relationship between root physiology and soil heterogeneity in order to clarify the dual role of roots as: 1) supporters of plant health and 2) shapers of key soil functions.

Crops have always been challenged by variability in soil conditions, including water, nutrients, and microbiota. The spatiotemporal variability in soil conditions is likely to increase under climate change and we know little of how crops can cope with heterogenous soil stressors. Moreover, it is increasingly recognized that resilient soils require carbon inputs, the main source of which is a patchwork of roots.

By exploring the role of roots in this dynamic belowground environment, we aim to support food production while fostering the ecosystems agriculture depends upon. We envision our work contributing to a multidimensional perspective that will ultimately inform sustainable management of agroecosystems.

Learn more about our research approaches here and how to join us here!