We are excited to announce that two entomologists at the Frost Entomological Museum, myself and Charles Davis, have just published a field guide covering herb and bramble gall wasps of North America! This guide is open access and free to download! It showcases much of our recent and ongoing research on these wasps, and is the most complete listing of galls occurring in association with herbaceous plants and brambles. The abstract for this publication as well as a link to its page in Penn State’s ScholarSphere repository, can be found below.
“Galls induced by cynipid wasps are one of the most impressive and unusual aspects of plant-insect interactions, but those associated with herbaceous plants and brambles are poorly studied. In this field guide, Penn State entomologists Louis Nastasi and Charles Davis present a survey of over 30 types of galls occurring on herbs and brambles in North America, many of which are documented herein for the very first time. Also discussed are tips for collecting and rearing galls, and how individuals and the public can get involved in gall research.”
Available here: https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/1acfec30-7e4d-4130-98f5-46ab75972e08