My Name is Michael McCormick; I am currently a Federal Mine Inspector for the Department of Labor here in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I have been in this position for almost 2 years. Prior to this I was a Federal Police Officer for the Department of Veterans Affairs. I was also active duty Air Force for 7 years after I graduated high school.
My future as we speak is a bit up in the air due to my wife’s recent promotion to a new office in Tampa Florida. I would love to continue my safety career either on the Industry side of thing or possibly stay within the government and keep my federal employment time. I have the option to go back and become a police officer again but that doesn’t have the same appeal as when I originally became one 7 years ago.
It’s not necessarily a quote but I have always thought “lead by example” is a great idea. If the employees see you performing then they will perform.
I grew up in Youngstown Ohio and joined the United States Air Force in 1999. I was stationed in Great Falls Montana, Prince Sultan Air Base Saudi Arabia and Ramstein Germany. I have been married to my wife Nancy for 13 years and I have two little girls, Reese and Cam ages 9 and 4. They seem to keep us very busy with school and extracurricular activities.