I have had a very difficult time getting into these blog posts, however it seems I have (finally) figured them out! My name is Jacqui Neff. I’m an Organizational Leadership major graduating this December! I late added this class after a mix-up with my required courses. I had accidentally scheduled a class I passed back in the spring semester (oops!). I am currently located in State College, PA. My son and I just moved back right before the school year began.
I am working as a Universal Banker for Citizens Bank on College Ave. Banking is something i have grown to love in the last two years. I started out at PNC Bank’s call center in Pittsburgh last spring and have decided to follow the career path and move up the ladder in the banking industry. My long term goals are to become a branch manager and move up to regional and divisional management within the bank. As a single mother, it is sometimes difficult to see too far ahead with everything that is going on in the now, however, I have faith that I will be able to achieve any goals I set for myself, regardless of how difficult it may seem right now.
My past leadership comes mostly from sports and various clubs I was a part of in high school and college. I started out at University Park and moved to World Campus after having my son in order to make school fit with my full time work schedule.
As I mentioned before, I have a son. He is two years old and smart as they come. Everything I am doing is for him. He is my motivation when I start to feel overwhelmed. I can’t wait to walk across the stage in December and show him that mommy did it! For this reason, my favorite leadership quote is, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”- John Quincy Adams.
Sorry you had all the trouble Jacqui. It is great to have you in another class. I look forward to working with you again.
Hi, Jacqueline!
Welcome to the class!