Lewin’s three stage model of change is broken down into; unfreezing, changing, and refreezing (Pennsylvania State University, 2017). These stages serve as a framework of understanding how change needs to be implemented. Let’s look at the unfreezing stage to understand how it can be approached for better odds of success.
Organizational change needs to be planned (Pennsylvania State University, 2017). It might be tempting to just rush right into change but planning ahead for helping people change is important. People don’t like to be forced to do anything let alone change something they are already comfortable doing a certain way.
Unfreezing people is not without its challenges. Employees are creatures of habit who need to be warmed up to the idea that change might actually be better (Huppke, 2015). When our company was purchased by a much larger company last year everyone on the team had to come to grips with the fact that change eminent. I was truly shocked at the negativity around the office. People compared the new company leader to Hitler and other dictators. However, the more benefits the new company provided the more people started to like the idea of being a member of the new team.
If we were to step back in time and I had a voice in this matter I would offer some advice to the executives. One idea would be to hand out fun merchandize to people in the office. Help people see this as an exciting new time and an opportunity to be a part of a fun company culture. Don’t expect people to change, help them unfreeze by feeling that this new world could be even better than the old one.
A leader who can plan for change will have better luck unfreezing people. Getting a workforce ready to move forward is important and by offering a small glimpse of a brighter future people will be more open to changing. Don’t just tell people that change is good, show them.
Huppke, R. (2015, June 06). Good ways to break bad habits at work. Retrieved February 13, 2017, from http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/careers/ct-work-advice-huppke-0608-biz-20150605-column.html
Pennsylvania State University (2017). Lesson 01: Introduction to Leadership in a Global Context [ ]. Retrieved from https://psu.instructure.com/courses/1826457/modules/items/21654115
Hi Joey,
Thank you for your kind words to my post. I will consider passing out merchandise on the next planned roll out that I’m involved in.
Because I’m the liaison between upper leadership and end users I’m in a unique position to know why we’re doing what we’re doing, and also understand the concerns of those who are affected by the decisions of upper leadership and mitigate these opposing views as much as I can. I empathize with the perception that leadership, especially new leadership is dictatorial, however sometimes it must be this way in order to move forward. Upper leadership answer to shareholder and business are in the business to make a profit, which often means change with the demands of a number of external factors that end users may not be aware of.