Teamwork is at the very foundation of any corporation whether it is a domestic company or a multinational one. At every level of the corporation there are group of people working hard and working together for a common goal of the company. As long as everyone is on the same page they will achieve the goals set forth by the management teams and the executives that run the corporation. The synergy that makes the unit run smoothly is at the heart of all successful companies. Synergy is something that we see when people are working together as one. However we have to be realistic not everyone works good together and at times people will bumps heads with each and they can hurt the performance of the team.
Low synergy is an example, when the synergy of a working group is low the production tends to be low as well. High synergy will work the opposite way and bring up the production. But in order to have high synergy we have to be not only willing to work together but to also get along with one another. In addition to the basic of synergy that we have we also have to factor the synergy that can come from people with different backgrounds. This is considered to be cultural synergy and this can be a problem in some cases because of the cultural differences that everyone will have.
In the textbook “Managing Cultural Differences” on page 273 there we find human factors that can make for professional synergy within working together. Some of the examples that is mentioned in the book is having new member organization training on the project, clarification on the individuals roles and motivating behavior and reward expectations. The last one is really important to drive great behavior on the part of employees and promotes everyone to do a great job.
Overall we all have to learn to work together and realize that we are in a global market. We will all have to learn to work with people from any different background and understand that there culture can and could be very different then what we are used to here at home. Global leaders have a challenge that they will face when traveling overseas and working with companies or governments that they will have to learn more about to have a lasting impression.
Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., & Moran, S. V. (2014). Managing cultural differences. London: Routledge.
kbt5108 says
Great post! I completely agree with your assessment that in our continually evolving global market we need to learn to work effectively with people from every culture. A good example of this is when you work with people in another country. A good global leader needs to know what is customary in that country, such as how to address emails, how to manage a meeting, etc. In many European countries it is customary to start emails with Dear XXX, whereas in America that is less common. To be an effective leader you need to research the cultures you are doing business in to understand how they work and then adjust your style to fit that cultures customs. Without doing so you would risk effecting the synergy of the work team and potentially create an environment where your team is seen as low performing because of its lack of synergy.
Good luck the rest of the semester.