Africa covers a vast 30 million square miles of land and that is the home to a vast and diverse population of people that are culturally diverse not only between countries but within as well. The culture is diverse and dynamic (Moran, Abramson, Moran, 2014) and the country is rich in natural resources which are largely untapped. The richness of the land can best be explained by economic experts who indicated that once developed the Congo alone could feed and provide electricity for the whole of Africa (Ravindran, n.d.).
The sub-Sahara states within Africa focus on family and kinship which includes the nuclear family and the extended family, or tribe (Moran, Abramson, Moran, 2014) which is in some ways its own nation. These tribes are centered around villages where food is gathered and grown and laws, norms, and guidelines are developed and followed. The tribes are further broken down into kinship lines which has an important social significance in African societies. It is no surprise that conducting business in Africa is closely tied to the family and kinship unit and ensuring that everyone is taken care of and supported.
In Africa, “social and business culture reflects the past colonial history to a very large extent, with the African identity playing in the background” (Ravindran, n.d.). Doing business among the same ethnic African groups is more like ‘networking’ and the tribal orientation encourages the need to belong to a group and readiness to help each other within that group. When conducting business in Africa, you will need to build friendships and relationships outside of the business and that you will need to develop more of a personal relationship with those that you are working with. Expect to get to know and become friends with those that you are having business dealings with. You may be invited to a party or a family event. For many it may be difficult to differentiate when it is a social situation or a business situation because the lines will be blurred. Just know that in Africa, doing business is more of a social transaction and that friendship comes before business (Moran, Abramson, Moran, 2013).
Work Cited:
Moran, R., Abramson, N., and Moran, S. (2014). Managing cultural differences. (9th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Ravindran, N. (n.d.). The Role of Culture in Doing Business in Africa. Retrieved April 23, 2017, from in-doing-business-in-africa
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