Through working in a several different jobs, I have been exposed to many unique cultures. During these different jobs, I learned a lot about different aspects of these cultures. The main cultures that I was exposed to was Hispanic culture, Indian culture, and also Korean culture.
Schmitz describes a cultural profile of being made from the following parts: environment, time, action, communication, space, power, individualism, competitiveness, structure, and thinking. (Moran et al., 2014, p. 19). In my previous experience, I have seen many of these aspects arise in the different cultures I have been exposed to. For example, communication amongst my former Hispanic co-workers changed depending on which part of central America they were from. Learning how each country preferred to talk to one another was key when handling difficult situations. I also learned through communication how each countries slang was slightly different than the next. There was more than one time where I tried to put together a sentence in spanish and it was misunderstood.
In my current job, I am being exposed to a whole new level of cultural differences. Working with people that are based in Europe has taught me many things about their culture. The most noticeable one is how they handle stressful situations as opposed to the U.S. From my experience, I have seen them remain perfectly calm during trying times, whereas some of my coworkers have not had the same response.
These experiences have helped to shape how I handle new culturally different situations. With the ever-growing melt pot that is the U.S., it has become more important than ever before to understand different cultures. I have found that it is vital to constantly be willing to learn more about others cultures as well as spreading awareness about your own.
Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., & Moran, S. V. (2014). Managing Cultural Differences (9th ed.). Oxford: Routledge