Thinking about the Eastern Bloc countries and that side of Europe, I always think of Russian type of living and culture. I have this vision of dark, cold, dreary and run down Russian communities. This is me being close-minded and ignorant to the communities that are thriving within Poland, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and others.
It’s been ingrained that the Soviet ways are irreversible and that everything is the same as it once was during the Cold War. My wife traveled to Poland and loved it. She said it was a beautiful place and nothing like she thought. Again, she went into it thinking that it was going to be run down and she would get some cheap pottery. Not the Case!
As you look at this map below, it’s probably close to how it actually is in these countries. The Russian population will always be strong and so will its culture. Like this week’s commentary mentioned “Birds of a Feather Flock Together”, meaning it’s hard for the populations to become diverse quickly. The people of these countries still gravitate to what they know. This is by no means a bad thing. The European ways are slowing meshing with the Russian ways and making these countries more and more diverse. But like anything it will take time not to consider these countries a subset of Russia.
So….Eastern Bloc it is, for now.
(n.d.). Penn State Canvas Login. Penn State Canvas Login. Retrieved November 17, 2017, from
(n.d.). Western Europeans what do you think about Eastern Europeans? – Page 14. Retrieved November 17, 2017, from
Thank you for sharing your insights. I have to point out though that Czechoslovakia is no more but now are two countries namely Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, I do get your point of these countries and others under Russian influence. I think that the “eastern bloc” specifically refers to those countries under Russian influence. Leaving the Soviet Republic meant chaos for a while, but I think you are quite right, the Eastern Bloc is on the oust.