As we have learned thus far diversity matters and in legitimizing diversity we must follow the concept of inclusion to be successful. Inclusion is “the process of including the various diverse aspects and characteristics” (Redmond, 2018). Through inclusion, companies can improve their organizational functioning by creative problem solving that might expand to new markets (Redmond, 2018). Diversity alone cannot thrive; we need to ensure that every individual is included by valuing their perspectives and approaches.
I found an interesting article titled, “Why Diversity and inclusion Matters, and how to drive it”. The article successfully pin points different ways companies can promote and foster inclusion in the work place. So here we go!
In order to have a diverse group: There has to be “enough people of a particular group that no one person has to represented the supposed viewpoint of their group-whether ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, gender, identity, socioeconomic background, or disability” (Linders, 2016). The article advises to get out there and “hire women, hire people of different ages, backgrounds, education, and work experience, ethnicities, etc. and make sure that they are welcomed” (Linders, 2016). Keyword is to ensure that individuals feel welcomed. Furthermore, the article also argues that there is no point in having a diverse group if the different ideas are not taken into consideration, and member contributions are being excluded (Linders, 2016). The goal is to “enable people to be fully present, contributing and valued” (Linders, 2016).
The general advisory points seem very logical and easy to follow by any and all persons in a leadership role. The guidelines provided by the article are a great way to legitimize diversity and ensure that diversity and inclusion thrive in the work place.
Linders, B. (2016, June 23). Why Diversity and Inclusion Matters, and How to Drive It. Retrieved 2018, from
Redmond, B. (2018). Lesson 03: Diversity; Inclusion. [HTML]. Retrieved from
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